Elswood Farm

Elswood Farm

"a curious farm of curious beasts"

【The World That Lost Its Magic】

【 Synopsis 】

This is a world once loved by Magic, but due to a tragedy of the past, what was once was engrained in the earth and entertwined with life, was lost. But so life went on and the people adapted to its loss. Magic was all but forgotten.

But recently, it seems that Magic might come back. Yet are the people ready to accept it again after so long without it?


【 Stories 】

Elswood Farm

Elswood Farm revolves around the life of Elias Elswood, a completely ordinary farmer living in a quaint, quiet village off in the countryside of the Sinclairate Kingdom. At least he was ordinary until one day after helping out the villagers, he was gifted with a small goat. A small blue goat. No one else seemed to think it was strange that this goat was blue, no matter how many times Elias tried to point it out. Without a choice, he took the small goat back with him, only to discover the next day that the goat had turned into a small child...?!

The goat (child?) turned to look at him with very deadpan eyes and said one word, "Hungry."

Since then, Elias' ordinary life becomes very unordinary, such as finding out his childhood friend Cerise has been a witch all along. He becomes more and more entwined in the strange outbursts of magical occurences, and on top of that, for some reason he keeps collecting new magical farm animals??? However, the more outrageously bizarre his life becomes, the more endangered they are from discovery by the Witch-hunting Crusade.

The Witch and The Knight

In recent years, there’s been a sharp increase in magic-related incidents and, as a member of the Sinclairate Knighthood, Lucine is responsible for surpressing such mishaps. The Crusade Knights are also known as the Witch-Hunters as part of their job also entails tracking down and apprehending those with magical affinity.

Lucine is dispatched to investigate a suspicious incident out in the countryside (she was supposed to be inspecting Elias' farm), but during the journey to her destination she is severely wounded. Luckily, she was saved by a passing traveler—who’s a little quirky and suspicious but... harmless, probably?

A tale of how a witch and a witch-hunter fall in love.

History of Magic

This world used to be enriched with magic. The ancient civilizations of the past were built on it. Those that had mastery over the arts also had influence and power, but such a dependence on magic also became their downfall.

Several millenia ago, there was a cataclysmic event that was triggered by a single man. He single-handedly caused the fall of nearly all the civilizations in power. He was named the Envoker, although the reason why has long since been lost to time just like his real name. In fact, strangely, the details about such a large and catastrophic event have been struck from all annals of history. Some myths and legends have tricked down through the generations, but there are always conflicting accounts. Most say the Envoker was an evil warlock seeking to greedily absorb all the mana in the world. Other claimed that in his pursuit of knowledge, he dabbled in forbidden magic which caused the catastrophe. Even some claim that the event was brought about because he was trying to save his nation from doom. Regardless, no one truly knows the truth of what happened back then.

The only truth that remains is that since then mana has drained from the earth, fantastical creatures have disappeared, and magic affinity has waned. Magic is all but extinct now--except for the one or two rare phenomena. When it does crop up, or the rare witch is born, they are often feared and shunned by the people who view it as a bad omen of the reoccurence of the Dark Ages. These were scarce occurences, however.

That is until in recent years... There has been a sudden wellspring of magicial occurences. Almost as if... magic is returning to this dried and mana-parched land?

【 Characters 】

Elswood Farm


Blue Goat

Elias Elswood



Bluebell's Sister


Mad Bull


Barn Owl




Sea Slug


Sea Krait

The Witch and The Knight

Fia Hart

Wandering Witch

Lucine Sterling

Crusade Knight

The Sinclairate

Vincent Sinclaire

Reigning Regent

Helenore Pelagio

Arcanum Director

Lucine Sterling

Sinclairate Knight

Sirius L'Etoile

Sinclairate Knight


Court Astrologian


Court Historian

The Valrose

Arch Magistrate


Desmore Envoy

The Dark Ages

Lorence Pelagio

The Envoker

Lorelei Pelagio

Arcanum Founder

Aurelus Sinclaire

The First Regent

Lucien Valrose

Golden Age Magus

Esmé Valrose

Golden Age Witch

【 Almanac 】

【 Sinclairate Kingdom 】

Although named the Sinclairate Kingdom, it does not actually have a King. Instead the ruling party is a Regent. No one knows why the Sinclaire Family does not just become the ruling monarchy, but it seems that there is a hidden historical tradition as to why that is the case.

【 Witch-hunting Crusade 】

A decree that was passed during the previous Regent's reign; it calls for the hunting of citizens that are sensitive to magic and it also eliminates any remnants of the magical world that still linger. Due to the strange outburst of magical occurences within the year, the Crusade Knights have been particularly overworked.

【 The Envoker 】

A monicker that strikes fear into the hearts of the people. The Envoker was responsible for a cataclysmic event centuries past, although the details of the past have long since been forgotten. His real name has also been lost in the annals of time, but the title itself endures as a bad omen.

【 The Arcanum 】

A secret intelligence division that directly serves the Sinclaire Family. It seems that they have confidential knowledge as to why there is a sudden uptick in magical occurences. They are also involved in the Witch-hunting Crusade, but are only dispatched when the normal Crusade Knights are unable to handle the situation. Members include the Valrose and the Astrologian.

【 Elswood Farm 】

The farm that Elias' parents left to him after they passed away. He used to work the farm by himself but after the introduction of Bluebell into his life, it's become very busy. Lots of weird, magical creatures seem to be attracted to his farm now.