lazyydayy's Bulletins

playing jackbox games on twitch rn

Posted 15 days, 8 hours ago by lazyydayy

i’m not the one streaming it though, my sister is!! 

i’m in a call with her and some of her friends though,, you should totally check it out if you have the time 👀👀

it’s my birthday 🎂

Posted 25 days, 22 hours ago by lazyydayy


i’m 20 now but i honestly don’t feel any different,, i still feel like a teenager in high school so being a REAL ADULT AGE is definitely freaky 

though despite the drawing and the daunting realization that i‘m way older than my mental age, i am excited to start a new chapter of my life :]

maybe i’ll find my future wife or future husband this year,, or the next year,,, maybe i’ll meet them online or in person WHO KNOWS i just want to love someone

OH and i did get some birthday money so i might buy some comms :0 feel free to drop your commission info!! 

(also completely off topic but my dan and phil hyperfixation came back so hard when the gaming channel hiatus ended and now they’re all i think about,,, foaming at the mouth for more content I LOVE THOSE HOMOSEXUALS GRRRR) (btw daniel howell is absolutely gorgeous and i miss phil’s black quiff,, i felt that was necessary to say for some reason)

trust issues man

please let me know if you ever need/want an access key for my oc(s) for any reason

i really don’t like having to hide them :( but i can’t risk having any more of my ocs stolen!! 

all it took was one shitty person to ruin it for everyone,, but at least i now know to be safer

i highly recommend watermarking the heck out of your ocs, even if it’s with a bunch of toyhouse logos, and only give access keys and unwatermarked images to people you are commissioning / trading with!!! (or someone you trust / know very well) trust me, it is way better to be safe than sorry,, the risk definitely isn’t worth it :(( 

EDIT: the situation has been resolved (i think) so no need to report them anymore!! tysm for everyone’s support and help with this <33

i can’t stop fucking shaking i didn’t think this would ever happen???

when i first got Glitch a few years ago, i was still somewhat active on Wattpad, so when i got him i was SO EXCITED that i posted him in an “oc book” i made, so people could see him and i could have his info written out and formatted all nice

HOWEVER!!! that was a dumb fucking mistake because now someone has made an entire youtube channel and wattpad account around him. <— their youtube channel <— their wattpad account

PLEASE report their accounts if you can,, i am so baffled that this happened

they even had the audacity to follow me and comment on my stuff?? 

i already took down the oc book i had up and reported them, and i’m going to put him on auth only for a while.

if you need an access key for any reason please ask, i will be happy to give one to you. 

image proof: 1  2  3  4 (sorry they’re vertical, i was on my phone when i found out)

how would your sona react? PT. 2

Posted 30 days, 21 hours ago by lazyydayy

the last one was SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE so i'm making a part two hehe

how would your sona react if...

- they were playing a really good horror game in VR

- they were stuck inside during a snowstorm / thunderstorm

- their favorite food / drink flavor stopped being sold at the shop they usually get it from

- they found a random goat wandering on their property

- they found out that their painting / sculpture / artwork was being featured in a gallery or museum

- they started feeling sick at work / school

- someone enthusiastically complimented their outfit / accessories

- they were dragged into a game of beach volleyball by their friends / family when they wanted to relax

- they were suddenly transported into the universe of their favorite media (game, movie, tv show, book, etc.)

- a friend or family member gifted them clothes that are very different from their typical style

- it started raining while they were out camping

- they found someone's wallet on the floor

- they went to a party and the homemade food tasted really bad

- they were suddenly in possession of a REAL light saber

- they were approached by little woodland critters while spending time outside

- they found a HUGE abandoned building

- their tail / fur got caught in a door OR yanked by a child

- they were invited to a lovely picnic by their crush / best friend / partner

- they found a massive beehive near / on their home, with bees everywhere

- they won a $500,000 lottery!

just like last time, any oc works great!! it doesn't have to be your sona :] and you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to lol,, you can pick and choose the ones you want to answer ofc,, especially bc this one is longer

(i miiiiight answer these questions myself this time hehe we'll see)

should gift art count towards an oc’s value?

Posted 1 month, 12 hours ago by lazyydayy


7 Votes yes, it should add worth
12 Votes no, you did not pay for it
8 Votes depends on the effort / quality

i’ve seen this topic show up a few times on here, but i’m really curious on what your opinion is

on one hand, i understand why it wouldn’t, since you didn’t actually pay any money for the artwork, so why should someone else have to? it kinda makes sense

but on the other hand, someone put a lot of time and energy into making an art piece for you, for free, so should that really be considered to have no value??

people make personal art all the time for their ocs and THAT adds value, so just because the oc doesn’t belong to you, your art is suddenly is worth nothing?? kinda boggles my mind tbh

as you can see, i’m very on the side of “it should add value” lol, where do you stand?

(also totally unrelated but would me posting debates and/or random oc questions be annoying if i did it more often? this bulletin and the one before it were so much fun to post and i’d love to make more of them,, but not if it’ll bother people ofc!!)

how would your sona react?

Posted 1 month, 18 hours ago by lazyydayy

in any / all of these scenarios:

- they find a beetle latched onto their fur / skin

- they‘re suddenly forced into a public speaking situation without preparation

- their pet (or friend lmao) peed on the floor in public

- they are stuck in traffic and REALLY have to pee

- they were gifted a new pet / now in custody of a child / forced to babysit for a friend or family member

- they ordered something online and it came in on time but was in the wrong color / style

- they found out that their favorite article of clothing had shrunk in the wash

- they won two free plane tickets to another country in a raffle / contest

- they got lost while hiking in the woods

- they were unceremoniously pushed into the pool by a friend / family member

- an anonymous flower bouquet was sent to their house

- they stayed up all night studying for a test, only to find out it was canceled / postponed

- they find extremely valuable items while reorganizing their attic / closet

this is just for fun, and i’m curious to know how your character(s) would react to these!! (bonus points if you make me laugh and/or comment in character (IC))

oh and it doesn’t have to be a sona btw, any oc is totally fine :D

art block is killing me (not clickbait)

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by lazyydayy

do you have art block too

11 Votes yeah man :(
1 Votes nahh i can art all day :)

it SUCKS i can’t draw anything right now grrrrr

if you have any tips or tricks to get out of art block PLS tell me i am so stuck 😭🙏

also can someone please give me constructive criticism on my art?? i want to improve,, i just really don’t know how :( don’t be afraid to be honest, i can take it!!

(if you comment something i will give your oc of choice a silly nickname in return :] it will be oh so silly)


Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by lazyydayy



i feel like i skipped so many steps but at the same time this is the best possible outcome tbh

apparently i’m highly sensitive to my monthly increased levels of progesterone, and taking testosterone can completely get rid of that issue so i get to go on it for medical reasons too!!!!

i’ve been trans for 6 years i’ve been waiting for this for so long!! i was 13 turning 14 when i first came out,, and now i’m turning 20 in two weeks :0

my mom is super skeptical though,, she‘s willing to do whatever i feel is right but she’s got a ton of anxiety surrounding the whole “what if you change your mind later” thing,, which i understand (if i were my own parent, i’d be nervous too)

the good thing is, regardless of how i identify, i’m still masc! i prefer presenting masculine in like every context (i did falter a bit and go fem after my last breakup, but i’m pretty sure that‘s because i missed looking at a pretty girl :( i went back to masc pretty quickly afterwards) so no harm no foul if i do change my mind, though i highly doubt that i’m going to!

tldr: i’m going on t very soon and i am SO EXCITED

fav 4 fav

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by  🌷🕊️ | Darby lazyydayy

i wanna look at cool ocs and favorite them!!

you can give me folders or specific ocs, whatever you prefer :0

if you want to fav someone in return, i would love if you could favorite Darby, but literally anyone will do!! (it’s absolutely not necessary though,, i just want to fav characters tbh /gen)