lexmaxiel's Bulletins

Profile overhaul

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by lexmaxiel

Hello! I've been away for the better part of two years other than uploading a profile here and there.. I've changed a lot and decided to do a complete overhaul of ALL my character profiles to better reflect my current perception of my characters as well as retire old characters, add new ones. I'll be updating this as I go to reflect current standings. 

I also want to re-introduce myself as the few people that subscribed to me knew me in a different part of my life pre-pandemic. I'm Max or Lex Maxine and I'm a non-binary that falls more on the transmasc end of gender presentation. I use they/he pronouns and I'm 21 years old. I've been through a lot in my absence on here that has really changed how I view and interact with my characters, and I've grown up a lot because of these experiences. I also hope to post more art of my characters to their profiles as I fall back in love with creating content of my ocs. 

I'll also be making some dnd character profiles! 

Profiles to create

  • Danny Chapman
  • Aleko Wagner
  • Jae-hee 
  • Alexander Barnes
  • Benji (dnd)
  • Mildred

Updated profiles

  • Blaine Hermannson 

Retired/Retiring characters
  • Birdie Lavellan (retired)
  • Zian (retired) 
  • Wei (retired)
  • Arlene Fenrir (retired)