
At scheduled times during your stay in The Playroom, you may have heard an announcement for Nap Time, and have heard soft music playing as the lights dimmed. Nap Time is important for visitors and residents alike to rest and relax, gaining back much needed strength that was lost during Play Time.

Residents in charge of NapTime are large, soft bodied beings, with soothing scents and calming voices. Taking on the form of friendly, fantastical beasts, these residents are gentle giants, taking great care to protect and comfort residents of all ages. It is a regular sight to have a large resident snoozing with several children and at least one adult in their embrace. Yes, it seems like no one is immune to the whispering allure of Nap Time.

If there were clocks in The Playroom, you would notice that Nap Time occurs from 2-3pm, 10-11pm, and 4-5am. Despite the short amount of time spent resting, visitors feel full of energy and ready to start playing shortly after waking. Well, right after Snack Time, that is.