

There are several rooms and sections of The Playroom that have scheduled Arts&Crafts time. Residents who help operate these functions and assist visitors are usually crafted, sculpted, or otherwise overly colorful in appearance. Some are even art pieces brought to life~!

A lot of the crafted residents are friendly and polite, and incredibly patient with the visitors who play with them. They shell out praise and prizes, and even create beautiful collaboration pieces with those who spend the time crafting or drawing while in The Playroom.

There is only one pair of scissors in The Playroom, which are locked in a desk in the Visitors Center.
Crafts done in The Playroom are safe enough for all ages to participate in, and any paper pieces needing to be cut are taken care of by a resident, or perforated for easy ripping. If a resident trusts an adult visitor, they may be allowed to retrieve the scissors for the Arts&Crafts projects.