
The Glades


Large version of map under High One Guin

Sea Glade is a small island that is connected by a land bridge just outside of a huge forest. Under the water there are huge caverns and a delicate coral reef around the outside. In the forest there's a system of trees with small dwellings at the base and high above everything else where the elves live when not in the water.

Cresthaven is an elven holt on the shores off of Sea Glade, it holds the Wolfrider tribe that found the sea elves and recently they added members from an unnamed cat elf tribe.

Storm Holt is another island where a separate elven tribe live. Eventually, these elves join Sea Glade Holt. The Storm Elves came from me creating Six Tribes, but only one member from this tribe is now a part of Six Tribes, Rol.

Preservers are little bug like humanoid creatures from the ElfQuest universe.

Six Tribes was created when six elves from six different tribes were called together by a High Ones' spirit to find lost elves from all over Abode. They've found many wanderers that have joined their group and constantly fall the pull of Guin, the High One. The original six were Shymist, Cirrah, Anyu, Thistle, Tailspin and Duskbite.

Any elves tagged Embala were created by her or I share with her! 

There are elves, preservers, humans and trolls in these folders, but the are all in the ElfQuest world.

Cat Elves - Deep Forest
Cove - fisherman & druids/medicine folk, also holds Home Place (family elves). Cove holds the humans from all the surrounding holts.
Cresthaven - wolfriders in the forests
Desert Folk - desert low lands
Dragonriders - high mountains
Fire Elves - volcanic island
Harpies - live in the deep forest
High Ones - the existing ones are wanderers after they established their tribes
Ice Elves - snow and mountains, Far Reaches
Mountain Elves - gliding elves
Plainsrunners - there are 2 tribes of plainsrunners
Sea Glade - coral reefs, underground coves, shores and beaches
Slither Elves - serpent island
Storm Holt - deep ocean
Trolls - trolls live in the mountains below the deserts 

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