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The Present - 12000-13000 Years

"Tagline, or, maybe a quote from the story"

It has been a thousand years since the world-shattering War of the Bonds, which left behind a realm overwhelmed with grief, anguish and decay. Vagrants wandered empty streets whilst dishevelled leaders of the past grappled with their guilt. Though so many years have passed, and glorious kingdoms have risen from the ashes of their ancestors, there persists to be serious conflicts amongst the people. Seemingly punished for their insolence, their prayers have begun to fall unanswered.

The gods have abandoned their people- Though one wicked shade remains. The cycle which once promised afterlives and sacred rebirths is gone, and now the spectres of the dead haunt their burial grounds whilst the living desperately fight to survive. A dark force, a child of ancient prophecy, watches in the shadows, waiting to take his rightful, promised place amongst the fallen gods. It is up to those survivors still nursing old wounds, and the youth following in their footsteps, to pull their world out of darkness before his whispers of wicked vengeance reach their door.

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The Future - 40000-40500 Years

"Tagline, or, maybe a quote from the story"

Info and/or summary about the story/ universe here. This section will NOT scroll, so try to keep it reasonable. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla rhoncus mi vitae congue consequat. Etiam aliquet, dui eget dictum vehicula, eros urna aliquet mauris, aliquet molestie massa tellus vel eros. Aliquam elementum in tortor id bibendum. Phasellus consectetur vehicula hendrerit. Curabitur hendrerit faucibus felis. Nam purus erat, interdum vel velit ac, convallis cursus diam. Fusce venenatis, eros vel laoreet sagittis, lorem justo molestie purus, vitae molestie augue tortor nec mauris.

Phasellus consectetur vehicula hendrerit. Curabitur hendrerit faucibus felis. Nam purus erat, interdum vel velit ac, convallis cursus diam. Fusce venenatis, eros vel laoreet sagittis, lorem justo molestie purus, vitae molestie augue tortor nec mauris. Duis eget facilisis enim, sit amet blandit dui. Curabitur hendrerit faucibus felis. Nam purus erat, interdum vel velit ac, convallis cursus diam. Fusce venenatis, eros vel laoreet sagittis, lorem justo molestie purus, vitae molestie augue tortor nec mauris.

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