
world-building stuff by me

all about my fantasy universe thingy

these are all character-related so they count

i didnt want to use the worlds feature since its not what i need and this isnt for roleplaying

the planet does not have any special name, it is just referred to as the world bc 1. i like how that sounds 2. im really bad at thinking up new words that dont exist and dont have any ties to already existing languages

earth is NOT the name of the planet

closed species forever home dragon body horror lophigons lophigon surreal horror flight rising spider old fish primal trypophobia luffik MochaChild joke character dark souls the fading realms bohbah pokemon armundy wormple nightmare wyvern imperial soulsborne snaz-zy comfort pokefusion sona snake death swan angel dragon surreal arachnid thanatogon god tarantula snek fantasy sea slug garxie elemental plague artfight2019 cloudsleepy poduk plush scout insect seal deep sea fish eel gulper eel shark war hyena goddess monster hunter all seeing eye dog proximasaur sparkledog EmmyGoat leech monster plush dragon grabuki monkfish cobra oc worm slug spinosaurus bat shadow flyena appletun phony scenedog loomie semiopen species mantabu plush dragons cat deep sea leech strawberry salamence sodaroo bugvee seagon plush scouts death god bug leopard seal dragonfish scorpion crab cairn terrier joke oc crocodile spiderman crab rave nargacuga cute spectral bat mega rayquaza tundra skydancer mlp argonian semiopen protogen frostyfiend pudding creature kaiju troutfish swi tail MinxyBaskerville Dragonwolf360 snapperk tessarium flutteringmoth patheticshrimp hikaru collimion dreamwalker TinySnappers whale shark rapteroid FlNCH-FACE funnel cake spooky cs pouflon ryuugitsu forever homed bunny wish snail paca tea beetle invertebrute clodsire joke bird dragon viper rhino viper wind flying fish parasite ray four horsemen dust mite giant crab spider barong bobbit worm coconut crab nudibranch dinosaur cupcake dragonologist uncanny valley spidersona fluffy false vampire bat mirror water coatl pony slime rancher hybrid salmon kogisame uranium koigon ivgypt nature AnnaSNK nft trabble loxx loxxo flapple onlons tarrath Novembeth snailtail npc phish keepers hydra Ferzai pouflons peeps pacapillar leech monsters invertebrute grabuki chimereon dracolich cicada eldritch abomination leopard river monster moray eel pelican eel cobra dragon goblin shark sunfish sea pancake pestilence lizard long jawed orb weaver pi turtle sand worm robber crab sea monster the reindeer king velociraptor fire war god into the spiderverse monster hunter stories gargoyle rayquaza elder scrolls tarr dutch angel dragon myo trilobite beetle ice maamon corgi shark zombogi paragem light pupouche nfs octappi gr0ssfish beebee dogjar jabberbeast barreleye mawboon domi snapraptor eeldog loomies peep pacapillars skullroot snowbrute frigate chaser cham sea dragon angel dragon fluffy dragon gryphon creepy snakehead dragon moray eel silverfish hellhound ocean sunfish tapeworm anglerfish disease frilled lizard huntsman matamata death worm amphibian naga leviathan taojat theropod old design lioness life meme odogaron bearded vulture water flight lightning morrowind computer science pillar sumaai mariguana food kitfish godworm neonBing kitvoren snapjaw cheshiretails tessary bogdog grossfish fleshh grakee kau nomgnaw edgy snowshoyu ice cream lukky eel dog nemia jolleraptor fakemon pacas orki snowbrute grabuki pokesona chams monster angel griffin horror snakehead fish dragon moray firebrat rattlesnake velvet worm vinegaroon mola mola manta ray famine mite huntsman spider matamata turtle caecilian dorid nudibranch deertipede nuckelavee