luckdown's Bulletins

Happy Mother's Day!

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by luckdown

I would like to wish a happy Mother's Day to everyone out there! <3

In spirit of the holiday I would like to do a giveaway of babies from my characters. I cant promise how many pairs I'll do BUT if you want babies all you need to do is suggest a pairing and I will ping you when I finish their babies so you can choose one. 

If you see a pair already posted that you would also like a baby from just reply to their comment and I will add you to the list to ping and you can get the next pic out of their offspring :3

You can choose from anyone within the Farm Life folders, but none of the humanoid characters or familiars.

Updating Characters! & other updates

Posted 2 months, 20 days ago by luckdown

I'm finally getting around to updating characters in between working on art I owe for trades! I'm also going to be reorganizing them a bit as I got since I'll be adding the gender symbols in front of their names. Whichever characters have information currently from DA I'll be copy pasting over. but those that dont wont be getting information until a little bit later. I want to get all their names and current info in first before I work on making a cute layout for them with all the information I want each animal/human to have. And then after that I'll be going through all my files and uploading art that I've done of each character and then art that others have done of them (i might not  have proper credits for all of those sadly ;o;)

I've also been doing a lot of work on myself to try to get myself healthy again and I've been working on things around my house to help make it more accommodating for my disabilities.

AND I've been painting again sorta! I wish I could upload random things on here and not just character art so I can show you guys the stuff I'm working on lol but if anyones interested maybe I'll make a fake "character" for misc arts. I know I'll have to do that for the ranch in general since I have a lot of landscape type art done for it that gives me money, items, etc. in game. and I'd like to be able to show that stuff off too.

Oh gosh there's just so much to do! A huge thank you to everyone for being so patient with me and I hope I can get started on uploading art for my own characters soon, once I get a good chunk of owed stuff done.

Trying to Get Art DONNEEE

Posted 3 months, 28 days ago by luckdown

I'm feeling a bit better, more stable at least. I'm just sleeping a ton xP but! I'm gonna try my best to get as much art done as possible that I owe people. I feel so bad for making everyone wait so long but I love how patient everyone has been and I seriously appreciate it <3

Another Update

Posted 4 months, 24 days ago by luckdown

I'm still having a really hard time as physical therapy causes a TON of seizures and pain. But my hip seems to have stopped dislocating thanks to the hard work. I'm still really behind because I'm either in too much pain to function, or so much pain I passout for hours and yeah.. still cant function LOL. But I'm working on things I owe and will hopefully getting a batch of things I've been working on finished and uploaded soon! 

Today's another physical therapy day so I'm probably gonna die after that ;o; but before she gets here I'm gonna try to work on as much as I can while I'm feeling sorta okay. 

That being said. I do kinda want to also be able to draw things for me? I just sorta feel like I can't because I'm so behind on the trades. So please don't get mad at me if I do some art for my characters between working on things I owe. I have cute things in mind I wanna doodle for myself and really don't want to tell myself I can't so I hope you guys don't mind if I do that even though you're still waiting. I promise I AM working on everything, I really wasn't expecting all this to have happened and for it to have been causing such huge issues for this long =/ I dont even know when the issues are going to be resolved to be honest with you and that's so frustrating.

Oh! Another more fun update! I've almost finished uploading the majority of my in-game characters that already exist, which means I'll be able to start updating everyone with their names and basic info soon! I'm looking forward to when its time to start customizing the pages and filling out their information in a nicer way. I'm also looking forward to being able to start spamming with the art they already have x3 not everyone has art but some of them do and some have a LOT of art. I also have a lot of paintings of some of them that sadly aren't being worked on atm because I cant really sit at the coffee table without risking injury to my hip. but hopefully I'll be able to finish those paintings soon so you guys can see them!

I'm also working on setting up literature things for my wild stallions and my cattle herds so I can start working on doing little rps by myself and having those characters start gaining stats / building their relationships and maybe even making some babies ;o; <33

General Update for Everyone

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago by luckdown

I know I have a lot of trades I'm doing with people and I wanted to let you all know that I'm a bit late starting because I keep dislocating my hip and fell a lot during seizures. BUT I AM working on them, I have several sketches started and am trying to get a batch of lines done before I color and start sending them out to the people I owe. Unsure if you guys will even see this but if you happen upon it when looking at my profile to check in, I wanted to say something so you'd know.

Thank you for being understanding and feel free to nudge me if you'd like me to prioritize yours instead of working on them in batches of what I'm in the mood for each day.

Today... or well I guess yesterday seeing as its 2am now was a wasted day due to extreme pain from the fall and dislocation my hip twice in a row the day before. I was also blind for a good chunk of the day unfortunately due to my seizures making everything crazy blurry. I'm feeling better atm though so I'm currently sketching out as much as I can get myself to do before I decide to go to sleep lol