These characters are DTA ! This means you can adopt a character by drawing it ! They are looking for a caring home that will develop them !

— If you want to adopt, please let me know in this thread. Comment on characters will be ignored. Don't start to draw before I answer. I may refuse (if I don't answer within two days, it probably means "no").

Someone asked me to say why I declined, so I'll write down my criteria. Reading them is not required.

At the very first, I check your request. If you don't follow the instructions written here, it's an auto decline (you are free to come back and try again). I'm less likely to offer something to someone who has this kind of message : "I want this" or "Can I have that ?". It might look formal and boring, but I care about courtesy.

Next, I check your profile. I quickly read your profile content. I care about the people who we'll receive the character, so I try to better know you : your project, what you like, etc. Having a proper presentation helps.

Then, I will check your art gallery. I do not really mind the art style, but I love looking at people's gallery. Of course, having a decent understanding of anatomy and all helps, but that's not what I'm looking for.

Finally, I will check your characters. I click on "View all", estimate how many characters you own, and randomly pick some of them. I look at their profiles and how developed they are. If most of them have only one picture and no description, well... it might be the same for the character you will adopt from me, and that's not what I'm looking for. You are free to argue why you want the character in your message.

In a nutshell, the most important thing is the first impression I have when I check your account. It's a personal feeling, so don't be mad if I decline. I don't want to absolutely get rid of these characters: I want to find them a caring owner on which I can trust to develop them and update them. As it's kinda hard to evaluate who is a person and what they will do on the Internet (everyone is free to show/hide something), I may misjudge.

— I will put the OC on hold for one week max for you. I won't give extra time. If you are the person who request the design, you will have two weeks, no extra time.

— The drawing must be at least flat coloured full body. Please put effort in your art ! I don't want to receive a bad photograph of traditional poorly coloured doodles on a corner of a paper sheet anymore ! Traditional art is okay, being uncomfortable with your art style is okay as well, but please don't make me feel like you've spend two minutes on your piece while I (or someone else) spend hours to make a pleasant design. If your drawing doesn't meet these requirements, the character won't be sent.

— Please send art directly to the character's gallery.

human animal anthro