Kul Tiras

An island with a mighty tree bridge leading to it. 

Ruins of what looked like an old mansion settled upon its terrain near the entry of a large forest, a bigger tree with spiraling branches in its center. 

On the northern shore by the clear waters were rocky outcrops that had small pools perfect for grubs who wanted to play and dance in the clear liquid. 

Trees and meadow-like patches filled the island. There were places to find shelter. Places to hide from the storms that raged from the waters. 


If I pay for the whole breeding, I can choose to keep or gift the clutch.

If you pay for the whole breeding, you can choose to keep or gift any grubs in the clutch.

If we go splitsies, we will decide who gets first pick of grub. (If there are 3, the unpicked one can be decided upon too)

mothpixie pixie horse moth centaur war equine Moth Pixies CS Colt EWH anthro Stallion warhorse elvenwarhorse adoptable moth pixies Ewh Closed Species Elven HARPG