maiiro's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by maiiro


Info on them will be updated from time to time!

Originally i had planned them to be a sub-type of zinayi but ultimately decided them to be their own species!
I love birds and especially raptors!   
Owls are fascinating and majestic (and also cute!!! asdfh;;;  )I hope Oculi will be loved!

This is a closed species; meaning you cannot create your own without purchasing a myo or having written permission!


Oculi are a mostly nocturnal species!They possess eye-markings in their ears which allows them to see nightmares in the form of prey on which they feed to survive, acting as dreamcatchers.Their 'Antennas' can sense the feeling that the nightmares or dreams are emitting.

Seldom some Oculi decide to feed on positive dreams, stealing them from humans and other species ; those Oculi often end up looking rather nightmare-ish.It is frowned upon and forbidden to eat normal dreams so they are being outcasted.


Long ago a mother had noticed her child suffering in it's sleep.
Praying for relief an owl had heard her plea and decided to keep watch over the child as it dreamt. Any bad dream was quickly snatched up by the owl and soon the child grew up sleeping peacefully every night while the owl had it's meals.The now grown-up human fell in love with it's savior and so Oculi were born.


When not on the hunt for nightmares Oculi enjoy to feed their knowledge and are very curious individuals.
They are interested in gaining wisdom and consume books by reading regularly.
Large libraries and planetariums have been built by Oculi to harbor and collect books and research. They are also known to enjoy tea a lot aside from their main source of energy being nightmares.
(Usually they also get along just fine with Vespertil )


The ears are feathery in nature and have an eye-marking inside to see the physical form of dreams and nightmares 

Help distinguish between dream and nightmare by sensing the feelings and emotions that are emitted by them

Their tail consists of feathers and can vary in form and length

Appear in different sizes and consist of only one pair usually



// going to draw a prettier and more neat trait-sheet soon-ish ;;;; i got impatient and had to sketch the rough general idea down before i would forget aksjdhkad;

I am very excited to draw more of them and add to their lore! 


Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by maiiro

Colors might be a subject of change but this will be the first Adopt from my new species with which i will hopefully make my come-back into the Adopt community! 


Hello TH! long time no see!

Posted 4 years, 20 days ago by maiiro

i'll be coming back to TH and dA very soon!!
with....a new CS in my pockets ....ehehhe


Posted 7 years, 17 days ago by maiiro
Lol by maiiro

Asijsiaud by maiiro

I forgot to upload here on this acc the info for rewera ´ _`);; but i want to use this chance to make an addition to this species and change their story a bit! I've thought about it for long and now i decided to update this,,,
will update this from time to time until it's hopefully finished---

Rewera are a closed species, meaning you cannot create your own.

here is music to play for the atmosphere while reading this--


The name Rewera carries two different meanings;
[Rewera - maori for demon]
Re w era
Re: World Era


Asdsad by maiiro
Many long years humanity has been a blessed existence without any death, fear, sorrows and worries. The world has been peaceful and beautiful until one day a young woman was gifted a box, ordered not to open it at any cost and to store it to later gift it to humanity. The young woman known as Pandora though had been curious as to what the box contained and dared to open it. Dust that had filled the box now leaked and corrupted humanity, though from the very same dust, other creatures were born to bring the world back into a somewhat balance. They are refered to as Rewera; demons consuming the soul of the humans that have sinned too much. 
Rewera are also referred to Pandora's children.

Okkk by maiiro

Rewera are demons born from the dust and the 7 deadly sins that had escaped pandora's box. Each rewera takes on the form and personality of one of the sins.


  • Greed - the desire of material possessions, the desire to possess or aquire more than one needs
  • Gluttony - the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the status of wasting it; there are different typus of the sin which are: Laute – eating too expensively/Studiose – eating too daintily/Nimis – eating too much/Praepropere – eating too soon/Ardenter – eating too eagerly
  • Lust - the intense desire and longing for love and sexual statisfication
  • Wrath - strong and uncontrolled feelings of anger and hatred; leading to violence and hate
  • Sloth - the absence of interest; the failure to do things that one should do; idleness & inertia
  • Pride - the most serious out of the sins; corrupt selfishness; putting the own desires, wants, urges and whims before the other's well-being
  • Envy - the desire and need for other's possessions and traits; jealousy; the urge to cause other's pain due to one's own jealousy and unhappiness

All Rewera possess a third eye which grants them to see the dark aura around others. 
Meaning: Every rewera can tell how much someone has sinned and how heavy those sins were.
If a human has sinned too much their soul will be consumed by the rewera that is cursed with the sin the human has committed the most.
It's forbidden for rewera to feel any pity or love for the humans, if they do break the rule they will begin to rot until nothing of them is left.
The colours of the aura that is around the people is tainted the colour of the sin they commited the most.
List of colours: 
Pride - Violet
Envy - Green
Gluttony - Orange
Lust - Blue
Anger - Red
Greed - Yellow
Sloth - Light Blue


Rewera's appearance and personality matches the sin they are cursed with.
more info about this will be added!

Basics by maiiroTails by maiiro


(Those are the traits to help identify the different sins, however that does not mean they have to carry every trait that is listed below!
They can possess just one as well; the number of the traits varies-)
>own and like to show off alot of their jewels and possessions, however most of their "jewels" for example collars or braceletts are connected to their skin,
removing them would cause heavy injuries; their hands are often mutated or possess sharp claws
>often possess a discoloured mouth and show signs of liquid dripping out of their mouth;
in rare cases a big mouth will be on their stomach or small mouths on the palms of their hands or instead of one of their eyes,,, there are more possibilities
>their skin usually is in possession of markings and discolouration
>wrath rewera often show mutations,discoloured sclera and very sharp teeth; sometimes their anger will "burn" flesh off them and bones will be visible or grow on their body;
often they will be chained or sealed to limit their anger and violence
>often either their third eye or pair of eyes are closed, they are in a constant state of a faint sleep due to insomnia; it's not rare for them to grow plants on their body
>as the most serious out of the sins, pride rewera often possess rare traits such as wings and more or less than 2 horns; thorns can grow around their body, around their tail, ears or as a 'crown' which gives them constant pain
>they are fond of tools that would help gain them what they desire, things that look like eyes will grow on their body eyeing their desire



Horns vary in any form, shape and size! There is no limit to the option of horns! The number of horns however is limited to the rareness!
1 horn- rare
2 horns - common
3 horns - uncommon
4 or more horns - super rare
Examples for Rewera:
[SET PRICE] Rewera sloth : CLOSED by maiiro

Lol by maiiro


Posted 7 years, 1 month ago by maiiro
areasPNG by maiiro
Since i love carterpillars and butterflies/moths very much i thought months about doing a species of them as a come-back to dA! O)---< so here they are,,, dream-eating carterpillar demons!!

I'm still thinking about rarity traits and this is kinda just an anatomy info for now! more info etc will be added soon!

They are kinda mix out of carterpillars, moths/butterflies and dragons....;;;



Both species have male and female kinds.
Both Somniven and Somnivor co-exist in the same world as humans. Thei size compared to humans however is huge.
Usually humans fear them and won't go anywhere near them, however there are cases were humans actually fell in love with a Somniven or Somnivor.
If they recreate with a human the genes of Somni are always stronger and the child will be born a Somni.

Size by hwoli

1b by maiiro
SOMNIUM latein. Dream / VENANDI latein. Hunter/Hunt


Somniven usually only consume dreams, however there are some who also consume flesh. Eating dreams is a must to survive though.
The kind of dream they eat determines they physical appearance and often affect the personality as well.


Somniven possess a half human- half carterpillar body. 
Usually the carterpillar body owns 3 'arm' pairs and a varying number of leg pairs depending how long the body is. Children have shorter bodies than older Somniven. Their hip part is often coated in either fur or petals. Naked hips are very rare.
Claws and teeth are sharp.
Mutations are possible;


There are glands on each side of their body producing a scent that works as anesthesia when breathed in.


With their third eye, Somniven can see and sense dreams.
Handy for the hunt for food.
2Bc by maiiro


Somnivor usually eat the dreams of shipcrews and stranded people but since those are kind of rare for them they also consume fish and drowned animals or humans.


Somnivor possess a hald human- half shrimp-like body.
Both Somniven and Somnivor hip parts are often coated in either fur or petals. Naked hips are very rare.
Claws and teeth are sharp.
Mutations are possible;


There are glands on each side of their body producing a scent that works as anesthesia when breathed in.


With their third eye, Somnivor can see and sense dreams.
Handy for the hunt for food.

SOMNIUM latein. Dream / SCORPIUS latein. Scorpion


Dreams + Human flesh


Somniscor possess a half human- half scorpion-like body.
The lenght of the body can vary! Some somniscor also possess big claws.
Somni hip parts are often coated in either fur or petals. Naked hips are very rare.
Claws and teeth are sharp.
Mutations are possible;


Through a sting will be the anesthesia injected.


With their third eye, Somniscor can see and sense dreams.
Handy for the hunt for food.