mallimom's Bulletins

Moving Accounts!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by mallimom

Yep that's right, I've moved all my stuff over to a new account (named mallimutt) where I'll be at from now on!

I've been removing people from its subbed list until now because I wanted to upload and organize everything semi-privately, but now it should all be good to go. My apologies to anyone I removed from the sub list before..

Why am I moving to another account with the same username, you ask?

~*Organizational Purposes*~

Nifty Poll

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by mallimom

Why do you watch me?

5 Votes To see if you'll trade/sell your characters
7 Votes To watch your characters develop
3 Votes I want to interact with your characters someday
10 Votes Because we're friends! ♡
13 Votes Because I like you/want to be your friend
0 Votes Meh, why not?
0 Votes Because I hate you
2 Votes I watched you back after you watched me
8 Votes For the rainbow tbh

Honesty is the best policy. ;vc


Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by mallimom

You know what forget it I'm gonna make every single one of my kids public (besides the ones on my side account) so if there's ever ANY confusion on who owns what you can look and see

Screams and slaps my giant watermark on everything

Raffle Winner Chosen!!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by mallimom

Yayyy I streamed the raffle results and SushiNomster on deviantART was chosen as the lucky winner, thank you all for participating!!!

Now you all know..

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by mallimom

How do you feel about the new layout??

4 Votes I LOVE IT
4 Votes I like it!
0 Votes It's ok
0 Votes Meh
1 Votes I don't like it!
1 Votes I HATE IT
0 Votes Other?


Lmao but in all seriousness, I'm so hyped for the new ToyHouse to be reavealed ahhh!!
I'd really love to hear your guys' opinions on the new features, and the new revamp in general! We spent a lot of time working out bugs and suggesting things to the mods to make sure it was both user friendly and easy to manage, but of course there's always room for improvement! ;o;

Also just a tip guys! If you have any custom coding on your profile or character profiles, chances are you are in LEGACY MODE. This means they kept your profile to fit the old coding. If you want to see what it'd look like with the NEW website, switch to Regular mode and see the chaos... :3c I die inside knowing my coding screws up majorly in Regular mode so I'm hiding in Legacy Mode until I can get someone to code for me weeps--

Weeps weeps Notice

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by mallimom

Hey guys gbdflskj I've been having a really weird time with like.. making new ships so I'm gonna just let you know that I won't be making any for a bit. orz I'd still love love love to interact with my OCs but as of right now I'd rather not do anything that involves new relationships if that's ok??? It's really stressing me out ahhh. 8'D;;; Current relationships are fine tho--

Screams also the characters that are public have a nifty new layout, can I get opinions? :'0 Only if you're on a computer b/c it's not gonna look great on a phone I'm sorry.

Trade Wishlist

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by mallimom

Whenever I make a trade journal I always have to come up with a new wishlist, so I figure I'd post one up here that I can reference whenever I want to put something up for offers.
This list may be subject to change depending on what I'm looking for at the time!

Design Wishlist

Always Looking For: [MYO or Creator-made is fine]
- Dreamies [Looking for more to go with my families 
here and here in particular]
- Luminettes
- Eerays [Looking for these colors: pink, black, gray, and white | monotone designs preferred]

Currently Interested In: 
- Cute Modern Boys [No shota designs please]
- Czylphs [Blue or green preferred]

- Blakryes [Green only]
- Pokémon Gijinkas/Gijinka Customs
- Aquatic Designs [So mermaids/etc | Only looking for orange ones | Preferred species: Jellyfish, Eel, Seahorse]

- Purple Kemonomimi design [Will be picky]

NOT Searching For: [No offence intended, I've either gotten what I wanted or I seriously need to refrain for organization's sake]
- Seekers
- Nus
- Nudibrats [There's only one other one I want and idk where it is]
- Songraptors 

- Heartbby's
- Venos
- Other CS not listed above
- BluC Gijinkas

Non-Design Wishlist

If it is red it means I'm not currently interested in it

Artists I Like (will be adding more later)



Silent-Koi @ DA
Other Things I Like
 Specific Art VouchersOther?
Dreamy Base Transfer - beauket

Outfit Designs - manosdetrapo

Custom Vouchers -
          Eeray, Venos

Videogame Systems -
          XBox One
          Nintendo Switch

Videogames -
          Pokemon Games
          Harvest Moon Games

          The Legend of Zelda Games

MYO Slots -
          Dreamy, Lumi, Eeray, Czylph,


Manga Books -
          Eyeshield 21
          Boku no Hero Academia
          NGL (No Good Life)
          My Love Story

          Merman in my Tub
Anime -
          Mob Psycho 100
          Kill la Kill

          Yuri!!! on Ice


Mallimutt's Tag Guide

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago by mallimom

Most of my tags are pretty straightforward, but I feel like it's a good idea to clarify on what certain tags mean in order to prevent confusion. This is a guide to all of my tags that I have, aside from a few temporary tags that are not prominent enough to be worth noting.

Relationship Tags:
Single [They are not currently in a relationship, and are available to ship]
- T
aken [They are currently in a relationship]
Unavailable [They are not in a relationship and I do not want them to be in a relationship]

Procured Tags:
Purchased [I provided monetary funding in order to obtain the design]
Traded for [I provided another design or a voucher in order to obtain the design]
Gifted [I was gifted the design by another individual]

Colors: [Used to sort the adoptables by their designated color]
- Tagged Colors [redorangeyellowgreenbluepurplepinkblackbrowngray - white]

Gender Tags:
Male [Characters that identify with the male gender]
Female [Characters that identify with the female gender]
Non-binary [Characters that do not identify as male/female, as well as characters that may identify as more than one gender]

Design Type Tags:
Custom [I paid someone to design the character for me]
Created [A character that I designed myself for the most part]
MYO [A "Make Your Own" closed species design that was not made by the original creator]

Visibility Tags: [For my personal reference, so I can keep tabs on what people will/won't see when they browse]
- Private

Username Tags: [You won't see anything in some of these tags b/c I hide certain characters]
beauket [I tag all beau-made designs with their username]
kunamei [Tags for our ships]
- gryphonslade [Tags for our ships]
- puubear [Tags for our ships]
doodle-book [Tags for our ships]

Etc Tags: [You won't see anything in some of these tags b/c I hide certain characters]
- Species List [AkuntieurAuracornBellfox - Beromimi BlakryeBooklingCleerDreamyEerayFluffenHeartbbyLacieLoveNoteLuminetteNudibratSeekerSongraptorVenos - Wolpid]

RP Comfort Meme

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by mallimom

Tagged by @kuumone

A valuable meme for any role-player!
Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!

While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!

Role Play Basics

Locations I am comfortable RPing:
- Comment
- Chats
- Notes
- Forum
- Skype [best option after Discord]
- Google Docs
- Other [Discord is most preferred]

Participants I am comfortable with:
- One-on-one roleplays.
- Up to three people.
- Up to four people.
- Five or more people!
- As big as possible!

Post Length I usually write about:
- One or two sentences. [when headcanoning]
- One or two paragraphs.
- Two to five paragraphs. [standard post length]
- More than five paragraphs. [when I get a really juicy reply/when there's a lot going on/when I'm RPing multiple people at once]
- A few pages worth.

I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:
- One or two sentences. [when headcanoning]
- One or two paragraphs. [if it's a casual RP]
- Two to five paragraphs.
- More than five paragraphs.
- A few pages worth.

Role-play Requests I like getting requests from:
- Anyone and everyone at any time! [do not feel bad if I say no though ok? ok.]
- When I ask for role-plays.
- From friends and acquaintances.
- From friends only. 

** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!


I am comfortable shipping my characters when:
- Never.
- Our character know each other deeply.
- Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.
- At the first sign of flirting!
- Only if the role-player and I plan it.
- It depends on the character. [it also depends on the person I'm RPing with]

If you want to ship with my characters:
- Talk to me about it from the start. [so I can let you know if they're even available]
- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.

When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
- Swift as lightening!
- Fast, but not super fast.
- Happens in about three months.
- Slow and steady wins the race.
- Slugs know what's up!
- My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen. [every relationship is different] 

When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:
- To skip the act entirely. [when the RP isn't focused on smut]
- To write the build up, but skip the act. [or alluding to it, in the above case]
- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it.
- To write the act all the way through. [if you have a lot of patience with me]

When it comes to talking about our relationship with others please:
- Do not say anything at all without talking to me. [I do not like people telling other people about my characters please do not even bring mine up to others unless it's a very vauge reference to them I really can't stress this enough]
- It's fine if it is cuddles and hugs.
- It's fine if it is kisses.
- It's fine if it is much more.
- Do not talk about it at all if it involves sexual acts!


** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!

When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
- No violence at all!
- I'm fine with verbal arguments!
- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
- Violence, such as stabbings.
- Beyond violence, such as torture and more.

If you are going to do something violent, please:
- Don't do it at all.
- Talk to me about it first.
- Surprise me! [If it's with a character you know I want to do that kind of thing with]

If you have dramatic artwork of our characters, please: 
- Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
- Talk to me about it before posting!
- Post what you like!


Seriously though please don't even show unwatermarked pictures to people of my characters without permission I really hate it when people talk about our private stories and relationships without me givin' an ok. There's a reason I only do one-on-one RPs I'm just not comfortable with anything else.
I'm a lot quicker at headcanoning, and while I do enjoy RPing I'm extremely slow. Please don't expect a reply half an hour, especially if I'm doing other things at the sime time hhh.;;
I do not multiship and I'd prefer if the people shipping with me didn't either, so if you're into that please don't ship with me! It just makes it easier for both of us, ya know?


Now tag a few individuals, if you like, so you can better understand your partners!
Ughhhh idk I'm bad at tagging-- gryphonslade puubear Kunamei Sheep skooma

I Like to Delete/Hide Comments

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago by mallimom

Just so you guys know, if you ever see a comment of mine edited to just be a "." or if you see it disappear completely, it's not because I'm mad or anything, I just.. like having a relatively clean slate.

I save journals and posts I've commented in so I can eventually go back and change them, since this site doesn't have a lot of capability when it comes to deleting things. Idk why it makes me comfortable to do this, it just.. does?? MEH.

So yeah!! Don't think I'm upset with you or feel bad if a comment of mine goes away, it's just me keeping this place tidy.

That being said, if you happen to see an old comment of mine on a character or in a bulletin/forum post, please let me know. 8'D I lose track of stuff sometimes.