Lost media enthusiasts came across a closed MMO from the early 2010s, with almost all information on its history- and it's sudden shutdown- completely scrubbed out. It developed a large underground following despite what little remained of what it..actually was, and a few dedicated programmers took it upon themselves to try to replicate what the game could have been like, to massive success among small internet art communities. Sure, they borrowed a little dug up code from the original, but it's not like the developer's around to send them a takedown notice, is it?

It's a few lines, it won't hurt.

But whatever caused N30N's downfall lay in it's coding, and the lines that were taken were just enough to have an effect. The AI coding is oddly lifelike, isn't it?

2020 adult human 2023 ART FIGHT 2021 rain world 2022 minor she humanoid robot critter retired they 2019 it iterator anthro bug