marbled_badger's Profile Comments

Hello! I was wondering if i could ask ping for mutilplr character? I understand if it not and im super sorry that its bothering aaa,, you have alot of gorgeous design ;;w;;

Sure! That’s totally fine I don’t mind pings ^^


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hello can i ask what brush do you use? i adore your art sm!! ^^

I use a bunch of different soft pencil-y brushes! (I'm pretty sure most if not all of them were downloaded from the CSP assets store!)

Hiya! Absolutely fine if not but I was wondering if you ever did artistic liberty customs? ♡

I would adore a ping if you ever open your general commission / custom again!! 

And i hope this isnt too much to ask but would you allow art gift? You have so many adorable character aa :’D!!

would a comm ping be alright ? thank you.

hi hi! i'd love to be pinged if you open comms again!

i'd also love to be pinged for customs or comms if it isn't any trouble!! 

id love love love to be pinged for commissions !! i adore your work sm

Sure thing, thank you so much !!

If you ever do customs or commissions I'd love a ping!

Of course!! I’ll add you to my list :D


Your art is just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Everything about it is just gorgeous.

Gorgeous characters!! Keep doing amazing things! 

Thank you very much ^^

What drawing program do you use?

I use Clip Studio!


Do you do art/custom trades? :0

Normally I do! Right now I'm definitely focused on clearing my queue but I can add you to my ping list for when I start reopening everything in near future!

that'd be great!!

Your art is mind blowing, like literally! 

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Your art is so pretty! I love how you outline everything,, your style is lovely 

Hey!! Just wondering if you do custom designs by chance?? Or if your ref sheets are still open?

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Hiya!! I'm SO sorry for the late response! 

I usually just quickly create a super simple "placeholder" HS using existing art- so it's not technically a separate piece in my mind & sometimes I do lose/delete them :,)  There's a good chance I kept this one though buried in some random file- so I'll go on a hunt for it tonight! If I find it I'll upload it to their page!

Update: couldn't find it unfortunately, so I just created another similar one! ^^

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do yu do pings 4 commissions ur art is so lovely

Sorry for the late reply!! I’ll add you to my ping list- thank you so much for your interest ^^ 

ty !!

helo mutual id lov to be added to ur commissions or trade pinglist 

Sure thing!! Tysm for your interest ^^

Hey are your custom comms open? I have 40$ and was wondering how much they cost! I have a fantastic idea for an oc and figured you’d be perfect for it!

i would also love to be pinged if you open commissions again !! :)) absolutely love your line work !!

Absolutely! thank you so much omg :,)

i adore your art! if possible, id like to be added to a pinglist for commissions+characters <3 

Of course!! Thank you sm :,)

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Thank you so much :,D And yes, I'll add you to my list!

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Could I be added to your pinglist for comms? :)

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Omg thank you sm :,) I’ll add you to my pings!!

your characters are beautiful!! if you take pings, id love to be notified if your commissions open up! i absolutely adore your art and designs!! :3

Thank you very mucch!! Added to my ping list :D

Hi! Your art is absolutely gorgeous ;0; I was wondering if you could ping me if your commissions were ever open? If not that's totally understandable, thank you so much!

Thank you so much!!! I can definitely add you to my ping list <3

Awesome, thank you!!

your art and designs are amazing, i would love to know if you offer customs/commissions or anything of that sort! <33

I'll give you a ping if I ever do! Thank you so much!! ^^

absolutely, you’re very welcome - and thank you!! <3

Your art is so clean and so beautiful!! :0 <3

Thank you so much!! :D

ofcofc!! Please ping me if you upload any adopts! :D

I'll add you to my list! Thank you sm for your interest!! <3

Thank you very much! and ofcofc, who WOULDNT??? >:D


messaged you! <3

your art is GORGEOUS!! your such a huge inspo to me <3

I would ADORE if you could ping me if you open commissions! Your art Is stunning!

Sure thing! Thank you so much for your interest :D

your art is absolutely breathtaking!!!

:,) thank you!?!

YOUR STUFF IS SO COOL WHAT?? can't believe i've never found you before!!!

Aahh thank you!! You’re so sweet to say that

Just wanted to say your art and designs are absolutely gorgeous (and thanks for the sub from a little while back!)

Thanks so much!! <3

Would you ever consider/do you do customs? Your style is absolutely gorgeous

Thank you so much!! I do plan to offer custom commissions sometime in the future (My creative energy for new designs has been pretty limited recently XD)

Well, if you ever open them or do art trades, I'd love to be pinged!! :) <3

Of course!! tysm for your interest :,)

your style is so eye pleasing, ill be running to you if you ever open your commissions :)

Thank you!! I would be honoured :3

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Thank you oml!! That means a lot to me! <3

thank you for authorizing me, you're so kind! <3 i've gone ahead and auth'ed you as well <:

aww thank you as well!! I usually try to add all my mutuals but I'm quickly loosing track haha

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Apologies for seeing this so late!! Thank you so much :,D 



your style is absolutely amazing! very glad to be newly mutuals with u :)

Ahhh thank you so much!! I wasn’t expecting this at all :,D

Oh my gosh I love your art style so much. It gives off such a comforting vibe. Looking forward to seeing more of your work! <3

Thank you so much!! :,D

wow!! Your art is absolutley gorgeous!! Do you do commissions? If so I'd love to know your prices!

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do you have any other socials? i absolutely love your art & style & designs !!

Hi there!! Sorry for the late response omg- my only other active social atm is instagram, @marbled.badger ! Thank you so much :,)

no worries at all and tysm!! your art is so pretty!

i love ur art!! all your ocs have such a personality even in just one image <3

Omg thank you so much!! I'm still learning how to use the platform honestly so I've been terrible at uploading all their art haha

i think you're doing wonderful!! i hope to see you get more popular soon ^^

Still learning how to use TH :') thank you for your patience