mementomourning's Bulletins

Alright, alright, we'll give it a shot. We're tired as hell right now (sinus infection curse) but we're gonna try to make some sketchy references at least.

Here's our page. 

We're working on archiving last year's characters, but the site is slow right now. We'll have this year's up eventually.

Feel free to drop your usernames in the comments.

- Makoto, falling asleep on the phone 🌊

Hi. Holy shit. I am so sorry. I have no idea how much art I just uploaded. I wish I could turn off notifications for it for you guys. 

We recently reorganized our sonas folder again. It's subject to change, we're still figuring things out. 

You might've seen the characters go up? But we started a new OC story project, Dying Embers. We've been really weird about losing passion for concepts etc lately. (Also, if you've been here a while, you probably recognize the story name. Yeah, it's yet another iteration of that same base concept we've been trying to perfect since early 2020...)

We're probably not gonna be able to do Art Fight this year- we've been under immense stress and just got over a horrible cold, and we'd rather our refs be more polished instead of the sketches we've been putting out. 

I'm tired.

- Makoto 🌊

I am.... I am a monster


Enter our friend's raffle raaaarghhggh

- idk who's writing this bulletin 🥲

Give that a good look! :3

Also, expect an update bulletin from us again soon... Been tired lately but we've got some stuff on the burner!

- Arcanum Morgana da sleepiest ever 🎇

Just wanted to set the username to something... You know. Less fandom-y. Derived from us being the Mementos system, and the phrase "memento mori", and- you get it.

- Renatus 🏮

Kamogawa Sea World is a large scale comprehensive marine leisure center/museum equivalent facility located between the Tojo coast and the national highway No. 128 in Kamogawa city, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. It is not affiliated with SeaWorld in any way and is operated by Granvista Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. it is a public aquarium and is also a member of Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA). 

...My brief research re: that dumb video aside: Hello! I've managed to "fuck it we ball" a sketch out. I'm sure you didn't expect that, but what can I say? Rook's full of surprises 🖤

We're going to try to get back in the swing of things, now. It's been 8 months! That's enough resting! ...But we do have a potential commission on the table- well, more of a sort of contract. A fully forgiven debt to our father (after 4-5 years!) in exchange for illustrating a 32-page picture book... Well, that'll probably take up a lot of our free time for a while. But we're chipping away at being creative again!

I hope you're all well. Please treat yourself to something nice, if you can!

- Rook 🥞

Design uploading advice needed!

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by mementomourning

Hey, we have a question!

Mariam has an alternate form she wants to give her fursona, derivative of an alternate form of a character she relates to. The problem is: This alternate form was only revealed in the anime adaptation on Thursday, and most people are going through the anime.

What would be a respectful way of uploading that design's art when the time comes? Mari's thinking having a separate tab for it (probably a "basic" or "full", definitely not "gallery") and having a content warning for that tab with "this design may be considered spoilers for [ANIME] due to it being inspired by part of that story, and its gallery contains body horror and (etc etc triggers)." I think this is the best way to go about it? But we're open to suggestions!

Also, iPad DOES work enough to draw, so I'll be sketching some stuff at some point today :3c

- Lyra, Monster Taur Appreciator Supreme 🌹

- Buys replacement iPad off ebay after old one is broken for 6 months, fully aware she can't get it repaired (nowhere in town, not going into the city for it, Apple will just tell her to buy a brand new one)

- Too tired to start it up and do setup for a couple months

- Finally have art energy, Pencil is dead

- Charge pencil, no energy by the time it's done

- Weeks pass, energy comes back

- Discovers that the new iPad is incredibly slow and overheats easily

- Also discovers a *very small portion* of the bottom of the screen doesn't work, but that small portion is the entirety of the size of the bottom menu bar on the Youtube app and some other apps

- Reddit thread from a while ago suggests it needs a repair

- Still can't get it repaired because same situation

- Other attempts at troubleshooting will mean I won't get to draw before groceries

- Groceries will wear me out, meaning no more art energy for who knows how long

Fuck my life I guess :( Still no art from us for a while yet unless this software update fixes it

- Lyra 🌹


  1. Officially three days into taking our new antidepressant. I don't think it's fully effective yet, but we're absolutely noticing a change.
  2. Finally getting back some art energy!! I'm gonna try to do a sketchy fullbody ref of the design I settled on for my sona in a bit here!!
  3. I am making LEAPS and BOUNDS regarding my trauma recovery and learning to express my emotions and wants/needs. I'm opening up more than I ever have before. I feel like a brand new person. (I'm still Lyra, though!!)
  4. I am genuinely just. So fucking happy rn.
  5. Dungeon Meshi is INCREDIBLE and me and Mari definitely need some farcille inspired art of our sonas together 😤
Things are just... Really getting better. They are. I finally see my little guiding light.

Thank you all for your support. Here's to May! 🩷

- Lyra 🌹

Hey, everyone! Hope you're well as always.

We're now three days past the ten year mark. We're still struggling emotionally, but things are getting a little easier. We started our new med today, so hopefully soon we'll see some change??

And I wanted to put out a "Looking For" bulletin! We're on the hunt for a stoat sona for Miyuki. We'd be willing to pay for a custom design, we just have a few necessities: Brown fur and brown eyes! The brown can be a sort of orangey brown or a darker brown- think the hair and eye colors of Yukari Takeba or, y'know, Miyuki Itsumi! If you know any good stoat designs up for sale or you wanna take on a commission, let us know :3c

That's all for now! ...I'm sleepy.

- Lyra 🌹