meyyebs's Bulletins

20240506: almost moving day..

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by meyyebs

it's funny, may seems to be the month when lot's of people move!

i bought an appartment, spent the last 3 months fixing it up with my dad, and on the 9th i'll be moving in there! at last, my own lil place!!!!
This will be the 9th time i move.... 💀 and hopefully the last time in a looooooong while..
i wanna post some pics when everything has settled!! i think over the years i've collected some nice things and a bunch of crap but i'm sorting everything today and tomorrow
anyway i'm a lil nervous, but i know it'll go smoothly

20240501: ask me anything

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by meyyebs
just noticed my profile code still says i'm 28y.. i am actually 29y and turning 30y this year lmao 👁️👁️

do you have any burning questions?
would you like to get pinged when a chara is ufo?
want to link chara's? wanna brainstorm? maybe share a secret?

i don't mind answering personal questions, but let's keep it pg in the comments pls!

spring purge!

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by meyyebs
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heyo, feel free to look thru my yarb sale folder and EO tag!

i'm mainly looking for usd or trades rn,
but i really really really want a bunch of these gone,
so i won't be picky!

8a5e3b7e.gif cutecow.gif 8a5e3b7e.gif

20240424: dear diary...

Posted 1 month, 19 days ago by meyyebs

a lot has happened. some fun stuff, some less fun stuff...
- i moved out of the co-housing situation i was doing with a friend
- moved back in with my parents (yikes)
- bought a puppy 💖
- bought an APARTMENT?! 😱💕
- my granny passed away...
- and i've been working in my apartment like crazyy (the electricity needed to be redone, the plaster was falling from the walls, i wanted to lay parquet, ....)

i've been busy!! but it's good stuff, i like getting more experience n stuff. so the final move is probably on the 9th next month, super exciting!!! the weather in belgium has been.... something... april is always a crazy chaotic wheather month. it's sunny one moment and 5min later it's raining hail... everyones getting sick lmao. so like many others i've been craving some soft sunny spring weather, and i've been channeling that into spring-cleaning my account! i think i'll make a purge post in a week or so.

things i've been fixated on lately:
- abstract chara designs
- y2k and core desings
- flatheads, wedgeheads, pointyheads, ... y'knowww
- liminal and weirdcore stuff, i know.... i'm reading house of leaves and also piranesi and both are soooo good!!!
- tbh i've got a couple designs i'm crazy about and i'm trying to get, but i gotta chill and not fixate on it too much.... 👁️👁️💧

what are you guys obsessed with lately?

y'know i wish they would add an preview feature to posts/bulletins... like i just know i'm gonna be editing this 10 times...


Posted 3 months, 9 days ago by meyyebs

ayo sorry, i've been ofline for a while but i'm still alive. i've been working at my job and destrying working on my apartment, i may have underestimated the work that needed to be done... lol 💀
but i'm gonna start painting with primer tomorrow, kinda excited but also real tired..
the reason i haven't been on th is because i tend to spend money when i'm ion this dite for too long, and i kinda really need my money rn...
anyway ily all~ 💖


Posted 7 months, 15 days ago by meyyebs

ok sorry for being absent for a while, maybe you didn't even notice lol
i'm still obsessed with subeta (referral!)....
but i've got some good news... my roommate bothered me so much and now i've bought an appartment! they accepted my second offer, still gotta sign the papers and it'll take a couple of months before i can move in there, but i'm crazy happy!!!!!! 💃💕
finally having a goal in life is such a nice feeling! 😩👌✨

also pls share some news iff ya want~


Posted 8 months, 11 days ago by meyyebs

as much as i absolutely adore neopets, i find it horrible to play...
but a couple of days ago i found subeta and gosh i loooove it!! i'm obsessed
please please please comment if you have an account! orrr send me a friend request!!

pls take a look at these chara profiles

Posted 8 months, 18 days ago by meyyebs

yea i've been working on them and i'm kinda proud of them, but like idk iff it's too much? i don't think it is, but at this point i dont know...
they're all wip's tho


Posted 8 months, 22 days ago by meyyebs
yea, 29 years ago i was birthed!

pitty party~

Posted 11 months, 19 days ago by meyyebs

hey, it's been a while..
i'm mainly venting, nothing important....

this month i've been working sooo much (1 coworker is on sick leave and 1 coworker is on maternity leave) so we all gotta work a bit more. but we're all pretty overworked even when those 2 coworkers weren't on leave....
and now i'm here throwing a pitty party for myself, i'm exhausted, my patience (which is one of my strong points) is gone, which is not good cus i work with elderly and they're slow and stubborn!!

anyway, i wanna draw but it's been so long that it feels wrong when i have the stylus in my hand.... i've got some owed art and i'll finish it, but not right now.

also.... i'm regretting that i chose to co-house with a friend.... she's whining about everything (look who's talking haha ha), i cannot stand her focking cat destroying my stuff, the hair everywhere, constantly jumping on my desk, constantly screaming at me for food but not eating it so it's all gross but my roommate doesn't clean it?! so i gotta do it?! cus i don't want the cat the get sick?? the cat is asking for pets constantly but then slapping and scratching me, like what do you want???

ughhh whatever i'm annoyed, sorry, i've been saving money like crazy cus i wanna move out and also maybe buy a lil house...