
exhibit a: metamorphoses


Hidden away in a secluded garden, an abandoned tall glass butterfly conservatory rests in wild overgrowth. White columns and victorian adornments peak out beneath vines of ivy, and countless sprigs of exotic plants intertwine with aged quartz. The broken remains of a fanciful glass roof frame the dying light of the late afternoon.

A small courtyard displays a broken statuette surrounded by vintage benches, forming an impromptu sun parlour. Supposedly, the glass house once was a popular location for day trips, though any semblance of past occupants is little to none.
Unique butterflies, moths, and skippers can be seen dancing around the untended foliage. In spite of the numerous gaps in the structure, the insects never manage to leave the walls of the conservatory.


exhibit a: metamorphoses

pop rock . alt-idol . dreamy
a butterfly house rooted in a young girl's desire to be celebrated as she learns to appreciate and honour the lives around her... [Read More]
