miljill's Bulletins

*re-appears cutely*

Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by miljill

Hey yall!! Sorry I died for so long ☹️☹️
 I had a lot of mental issues going on in December, so I needed to take a break!!
I am doing a lot better and I deeply apologize for holding off the free art I promised a lot of ppl!! I promise to try to get back into the swing of things, I've also been working on some stuff for two of my bestest friends who's birthdays are coming up!! :D

 So I will be semi-active and try my best!! Thank yall for understanding!! <3

baby needs an extra ticket...

Posted 6 months, 1 day ago by miljill

PLEASE... I'm going insane this OC is so cute what-? 

Literally getting an extra ticket for this which is why im making a bulletin bye-



Posted 6 months, 19 days ago by miljill

If I did a raffle would you join??

3 Votes Yes
0 Votes No

I think maybe after I'm done w/ everyones commissions!! I'm gonna be doing a raffle :0
I've been wanting to do one for a while to boost my followers, and also just for it to be fun!!

I AM AFRAID THOUGH,, HOWEVER... No one will join...

So.. Like I need opinions... If I did a raffle would anyone join 🤤🤤


Posted 6 months, 20 days ago by miljill

HOWDY!! I did not expect it to get that many favorites so quickly- HELPME I will get them done as soon as I possible can, I promise!!
 I love all of your characters and how cool all of them all!!
 Tysm for trusting my little hands in drawing them for you!! It means a lot as a growing artist teehee!!

(psspspspsphhh if you have no clue what I'm talking about here!! :3)
