Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Do NOT feed my words or images into ChatGPT, OpenAI, or any other artificial intelligence algorithm intended to recreate/imitate human writing or visual art.

Do NOT mint my images into NFTs.

Do NOT directly, intentionally copy my designs. 

I don't mind if you "reference" poses or color palettes or general composition or whatever.

Do NOT trace or copy my work as use for resale, even for virtual currency such as DA points, or as use for adoptables, or to repost on social media.

Do NOT repost my images on any social media platform. If you ask for permission to do this I will say no. I post my art on my tumblr blog. There is a reason I only use tumblr. I am doing it on purpose.

My characters are usually not for sale or for trade, sorry.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!