misumisu's Bulletins

sighs dramatically abt my username

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by misumisu

i cant find a username i like that isnt taken..
i like moths, dont get me wrong, but its exhausting trying to.....idk how to word it, but like...."brand" myself as a specific critter. i just wanna be all the cool critters, not only one!
but its hard to find a good un that isnt already goneee...
tried my fav few pkmn, ofc those were gone. tried tiramisu, misu, and tira, and theyre gone. seelie is taken. my favorite xiv characters names are taken....not that i really wanted to use a xiv characters name - feels limiting whenever i use one as a UN, too!
im just over here screaming why was it easier to make a new furaffinity acc than it is to find a nice TH un that isnt just...being used for an abandoned account...

EO on a few ocs! including a dreamy

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by misumisu


idk what im doin with these guys so theyre uft for now lmao

seeking design work + lf dainty uft??

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by misumisu

i want a design for the upcoming dainty turn-in design thing.....where u just hand in a design already made within a specific time limit and huzzah...dainty is urs...
so im lf a designer. would prefer 50 or below, for price range. also no CB traits pls i cannot afford a cb slot this time around lol

also im lf a dainty up for trade
so if u know ppl with dainties uft, lmk. i have stuff. nothing in my sona folder tho sorry lOL

happy birthdai to me

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by misumisu

woohoooo im 27 now

will draw winners for raffle later

Posted 1 month, 21 days ago by misumisu

either tonight, or tomorrow
i just puked and now im tired orz

I'm going to be leaving closed species, other than u__wo_ species and Uchikomimis.
Why? I've realized CS makes me incredibly anxious and it's hard for me to have any fun in them. The community can be really amazing and I'll still feel anxious.
I do not experience nearly the same level of anxiety with my one-offs. The only reason theres some listed as an exception is because I REALLY want to make a Scarftail plushie, and the ones I'm interested in have a lack of a big social community surrounding them. With all that said, it comes to no surprise that I have asked the owner of the species if I can be put on the ban list (not the blacklist - ban list just means I left the species of my own free will and asked to be barred from future purchases.) where I can let go of my Milqs ASAP.
This was a hard decision, but I realized that it's for the best for me. My bipolar mania only continues to grow worse as I age, as does my anxiety, and both play a part in my lack of enjoyment in CS. I will be making a thread later, once Biia replies to my request. I imagine it'll be accepted, hence why I went ahead and announced this.

I just got this guy. I like him but have no ideas rn so I figured I'd offer him for maybe a nadopt swap or something?? idk just offer anything as long as its not a feral lmao


Posted 2 months, 18 hours ago by misumisu

technically not VERY VERY soon, ive got till the 8th till im 27, but man...............heres hoping its a good one lmao

Annoyance with closed species

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by misumisu

I think I may quit trying to get more...idk maybe it's the mania talkin but it's kind of annoying. I don't like most of the communities that have spawned off of most CS. There are very few exceptions to this and they're mostly smaller cs or ones with no real community. The one exception is Milqilin but even then I'm wondering if it's a great idea to pursue it longer....I have no friends that are really into cs lol. I barely have people to interact with to begin with which is mostly my own doing....I tend to hermit away and am very shy when it comes to reaching out That and I'm even worried to reach out to cs owners / moderators with myo checks bc I've had my ideas taken before lol.

i plan to host a few raffles once a custom design or two come back to me, in order to lower my oc count!
if you'd like to contribute w/ designs you don't want anymore and have a hard time finding a new owner for, please comment below. :) ill gladly take any to add to the raffle pile

Also willing to voucher my dreamy

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by misumisu

Idk I ain't feelin many masculine designs anymore and would rather have the money to put towards a thing I miss having. ;; He'd be a 80 dollar voucher