I'm going to be leaving closed species, other than u__wo_ species and Uchikomimis.
Why? I've realized CS makes me incredibly anxious and it's hard for me to have any fun in them. The community can be really amazing and I'll still feel anxious.
I do not experience nearly the same level of anxiety with my one-offs. The only reason theres some listed as an exception is because I REALLY want to make a Scarftail plushie, and the ones I'm interested in have a lack of a big social community surrounding them. With all that said, it comes to no surprise that I have asked the owner of the species if I can be put on the ban list (not the blacklist - ban list just means I left the species of my own free will and asked to be barred from future purchases.) where I can let go of my Milqs ASAP.
This was a hard decision, but I realized that it's for the best for me. My bipolar mania only continues to grow worse as I age, as does my anxiety, and both play a part in my lack of enjoyment in CS. I will be making a thread later, once Biia replies to my request. I imagine it'll be accepted, hence why I went ahead and announced this.

I just got this guy. I like him but have no ideas rn so I figured I'd offer him for maybe a nadopt swap or something?? idk just offer anything as long as its not a feral lmao


i'll be keeping my eye on this because of https://toyhou.se/26615741.aiko-aimoto and https://toyhou.se/26962570.nyarla

Ah man I've adored this baby https://toyhou.se/26258986.tetrabiblos since they were made, I'll be keeping my eye out for the thread! I'm sorry to hear that closed species make you feel that way, but you should definitely do what you feel is best for you ^^ I personally enjoy closed species a lot but I don't tend to be super active in the communities aside from trading, the communities can be kinda overwhelming 

hi! i got the ok from the species owner, figured id send you a link :3

I just wanted to let you know I commented on your thread, in case you didn't see it (wasn't sure if you're subscribed to the thread or not) I forgot to say in my comment on the thread though that I might be able to offer characters outside the folder depending who you are interested in! I'm still putting characters into that folder and making decisions is taking me forever, plus sometimes ones I'm not actively looking to let go of I am willing to trade for specific characters lol

hi!! i cant find the wubdub oc anymore in your oc list :'3 i remember rlly liking a specific one...think she was a panda??
also sorry for not replying to the thread!! honestly i forgot fgjdhkgkj

No you're good! I still have her, not sure why she won't show up for ya, unfortunately that one I'm still attached to but it makes me happy that you like her! 


CS anxiety is so real

I wish the best for you ♡♡♡♡

cs is just tiring
why i never got into succubuns, beyond getting stuff for trades....because the community for that one exhausts me just looking from the outside in
milqs is a bit different - the community is mostly very nice. but idk, im just exhausted of community cs in general. i guess that mostly means no ARPG species but theres a few with no ARPG that have big communities too? :' 0
so i figured id just limit myself to ones with no communities! or at least, not a big social one lol

Yesssss I feel this on a spiritual level and I'm just taking a step back too bc so TIRED cries 

But I am gonna lurk with UW stuff and dainties and just not do any ARPG stuff xD it really is exhausting