
The intention of the infamous Kuuskelo project was to technologically break the limits of a human mind and body by creating immortal human beings with an unlimited memory capacity and superhuman abilities. Just for science... and to use them as lethal weapons in war.
It's year 2042, the latest war between the nations of Pohjo and Vaasto ended four years ago when Senna Ahvona, the second product of the Kuuskelo project and the previous self-claimed leader of Pohjo, was killed. Vaasto has been annexed to Pohjo and Pohjo is now led by Teo Saarnikko, who is building a totalitarian state at the expense of Pohjo's people's personal freedom. Pohjo's oppressed citizens are rebelling against Saarnikko's government, the oppressed citizens of Vaasto are rebelling against Pohjo, and the neighbor nation Tastola isn't taking sides but silently supports Vaasto.

The rest of the Kuuskelos, Kaleva, Tomas and Miska, went missing after Senna was killed, but Luukas, the very first Kuuskelo, stayed and lead a rebellion against Saarnikko's government until he disappeared two years ago. Now Pohjo has found him and has arrested him, but he's unable to remember anything from his past life anymore.

My original story from 2012. I get back to this every now and then, but it'll probably be a work in progress for another ten years at least. The whole setting is very complex as are the timelines too, so don't worry if you can't get the hang of the story from the synopsis above. xD

More chunks of information on my DeviantART!

(Upcoming) character profiles:
Luukas Lankari, Kuuskelo #1. A prototype with a lousy memory. A timid man who became the face of the rebellion and the hero of the nation.
Senna Ahvona, Kuuskelo #2. A human-looking emotionless machine who had a vision of how to fix the world. Didn't see her own death coming, though.
Tomas Tikka, Kuuskelo #3. The deadliest weapon the world has ever seen, a psychotic sadist. Also a cinnamon roll.
Kaleva Alterainen, "The Chemist", Kuuskelo #4. A highly intelligent and very friendly man. Has a childlike enthusiasm for chemistry.
Miska Parkko, "The Philosopher", Kuuskelo #5. The master of social interactions and he can read people like an open book. Hates socializing.

Nitta Tikka, a Pohjo citizen and Tomas' older sister who had no intention to be a part of the Kuuskelo mess, but was involved anyway.
Pihla Kero, a Pohjo citizen and a daughter of Pohjo's rebellion group's operative leaders. Will become Kuuskelos' pet project.

Niilo Ruoto, a Vaasto citizen, a fierce member of an underground rebellion group against Pohjo. Has anger issues and an identity crisis.
Petri Haapakorpi, a Vaasto citizen, the leader of the underground rebellion group. A legend, a war hero, an alcoholic.
Veeti Toronen, "Junior", a Vaasto citizen, a smug ex-smuggler and a current member of the underground rebellion group. Does nothing productive in the group.

(+278 other characters maybe :3)

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