mondaybear21's Bulletins

Important question about possible adopts

Posted 8 months, 24 days ago by mondaybear21

Would you get an adopt from me if you had a chance

0 Votes Yes!
1 Votes No :(

Hey, I’ve been thinking about maaaayyyyybbbee doing adopts in the future and I wanna get your feedback if you’d be interested if you to grab one from me if I made some in the future, answer the question if you would or not

also sorry if the question looks weird, I could not do much with the limited characters

I have finally finished up putting in height references for all of my ref sheets!

How it works is that they'll be a small section somewhere near the height stat comparing the character's height to the average height of a person (5'9") except for Lilianne's and Isaac's sheets in which they are given a separate image. Here's the entire character list to check them all out! also I'm putting them in Artfight soon okthxbai

New stuff

Posted 9 months, 29 days ago by mondaybear21


Happy belated one year anniversary of me being here! :D

Okay and also I’m putting height comparisons for my OCs with the average height and putting them in my refs sheets when they are all complete; so far 10 are done, I’ll let you know when it is complete :)

Artfight 2023 is joever

Posted 10 months, 15 days ago by mondaybear21

Artfight 2023 was fun, but now I need to upload my art I made and received to the site now; since I am currently working on something that will take a lot of art at the moment, it may take a while until everything gets to the site, but everything will probably start today

also in an unrelated note, links for all of my characters will be COMPLETELY rehauled in the future too

I am so happy about this info /reference


Anyways here's my Artfight card for this year:card_2023.png

See you all on the battlefield in July!

User: isaacbraxton
Subject: Alien Species Research Files


Does this thing even work? Oh, it works, good.

Hello, I am Prof. Isaac Braxton here, I want to give you a chance to give you info to share you some research about some files that I thought I lost forever but thankfully I recently found; so years ago, I have been doing research on different alien species. Why? Well, I forgot either. After looking through the old notes, I realized the species in the research papers, they may look similar to a few people you may recognize, which I feel is a weird coincidence.
After pondering on this a bit, I decided to make the research notes public! Here they are if you ever want to see them, it took me a good thirty to get that link in there since I am not good with computers, but it was worth it. I hope you enjoy seeing my past work as much as I do,

-Professor Isaac Braxton



Posted 1 year, 21 days ago by mondaybear21

Everyone is posting their Artfight stuff early so I may as well do that too

If y'all want to visit me on Artfight I'm right here:
I'm sure I'm all set for preperation and also all of my characters are there, and a few extra characters there that I don't have here because I thought it'd be fun to have there this year :3

Hope to see you there! :D

it is no longer my birthday :|

Posted 1 year, 26 days ago by mondaybear21

EDIT: It is no longer May 21st but thank you all for the birthday wishes!

I turned 25 on the 21st, man I feel old as heck

The OC story that I've been working on for all of January is finally complete!

This story has
- Cool characters
- Witty and sometimes funny dialogue
- Fight scenes
- It's serious moments
- Boxing
- Surfing
- Somewhat changing text
- And more!

If all of that sounds interesting to you (yes, you!), you can start reading it right now!

Chapter Two of the story is up!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by mondaybear21

That's right: Chapter two the OC story in the works is up now!
In this chapter Alix's plans for the world championship get interrupted when a challenger from outer space gives her a call...

You can also catch up on the story by clicking here:

Thank you! <3