Sale / Trade

[My General Sale/Trade Information]

[ A C C E P T I N G ] Trades / Art (As far as art offers go I am /very/ picky, please understand and be specific with your offer.)
[ O F F E R I N G ] All Designs for Trade and Sale are ---------> ( )

[ ✓ ] fantasy, d&d, and possibly creatures/feral fantasy designs.
[ ✗ ] modern, sci-fi, anthro, super cutesy, gijinka designs, doll-maker designs, fandom characters, closed species

[ O T H E R ]
- Please PM me offers.
- Nothing is fcfs.
- Only designs clearly marked with a $ amount are for sale.
- I reserve the right to decline an offer for any reason.

special - sort status - forever gender - male status - taken gender - female note - playable needs - aesthetic needs - tarot status - na species - human needs - outfit needs - profile species - elf universe - ffxiv needs - redesign species - fey species - tiefling species - half-elf species - creature group - jade arrows universe - cast soul species - deity group - orobellasgarden species - dragon stuff species - taur species - celestial species - undead species - were species - gnome species - half-orc species - therian universe - me species - halfling species - drow species - aasimar species - merperson species - genasi species - vampire