
Within an alternate universe 3000 years in the future, a human breeding facility lies in the middle of a thick, dark forest. It's known as the H.S.M. Facility (Human Studies and Medicine). Many inhumane practices occur within the confines of the facility. Mass human breeding, experimentation- things too cruel to comprehend. The products of their cruelty are sorted into three classes of danger: low, medium, and high. Low danger experiments commonly only have one to two mutations. They have retained all of their sanity, in spite of the torture. Medium danger experiments have anywhere from one to five mutations. They are mostly sane, some more stable than others. High danger experiments have more than five mutations. They have completely lost their humanity, in both mind and appearances. Most of them do not appear to have ever once been human, and coming into close contact with one is a traumatic experience.

The H.S.M. Facility sits close to the border of Loto. Loto is a place where escaped experiments are free citizens. Experiments have no human rights in The H.S.M. Facility, so a successful escape across the border is a hope held by many of the subjects. The rest of the world is full of humans, living in cities and towns. The inhabitants of these places are unaware of the experiments going on around them. Some people have theories about The H.S.M. Facility, but no one knows for sure, except for those who work in the building themselves. The villagers do what they can to hide the village, and so far it's worked. Since no outsider is able to get close to The H.S.M. Facility, the first escaped mutants took advantage of this fact. They built a home for them and those who are like them to live in peace. There are many jobs now available in the village: farmer, blacksmith, guard, hunter, etc

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