gay romcom ocs

OCs for a romantic comedy featuring 3 couples. Ichigo and Nana are the main couple. Their gist is that Ichigo was being harassed by delinquents one day and Nana saved her, but she said she didn't give a shit and only saved her cuz her soda can rolled over to the alleyway Ichigo was in. Ichigo was very intimidated by Nana but also thankful, she didn't get a chance to thank her tho. But then the next day Nana transfers to Ichigo's school and Ichigo is shocked (she also thinks Nana is a boy at first and is confused by her feminine name). Ichika thanks Nana but Nana once again says she doesn't care and tells her to fuck off. But Ichigo still wants to be friends with Nana, even if she is a little scary.