Glamour Art Studio

Eldest Sibling: Avant Garde. Most responsible, sensible and at ease sibling. His work has him generally isolated from outsiders as he requires intense focus on his sculpting but for his siblings he makes room to visits. Avant Garde is most definitely his parents' son. Dramatic, particular, and dedicated to his craft, Avant Garde can spend days shut away in his studio, pouring his soul into artwork that most other ponies don't really understand. While his sculptures and paintings may look a bit nonsensical to most, the ponies that do understand him think he's absolutely brilliant. His exhibitions always sell out almost as soon as they're announced, with tickets snapped up by devotees and critics alike. Avant Garde always reserves two gallery tickets for his parents, as he's very close with both of them and grateful for their support. Avant Garde's dream is to one day have artwork on display in the palace, and he has been working an abstract monument dedicated to the Celestia and Luna for most of his artistic career. He's not sure when it'll be done, but when it is, he hopes the sisters will accept it as a gift and display it in the courtyard.

Middle Sibling: Porcelein. Porcelain is a high-society socialite from a long line of high society socialites. Her family goes back generations as some of Celestia's favored earth ponies, and Porcelain has no issue holding up the family name. She's a patron of the arts as well as an artist herself, she's an opera singer who attends just as many shows as she performs in. She can be a little bit spoiled and a little out-of-touch with those less wealthy than her, but she means well enough and hosts many charity balls where she gives away generous portions of her fortune. She's a little less judgmental than the rest of her family, and is the only one of her clan to not cut off her free-spirited and alternative sister. She can sometimes be a little too trusting, and has been tricked before by lovers who take what fortune they can and leave her broken-hearted.

Youngest Sibling: Beau Monde. Its no surprise Beau is the most charismatic of all his siblings. He is confident, well spoken, and knows exactly how to get what he wants most in life. Its without saying that he has worked for his wealth and just like his brother and sister he has found his calling in the arts. Fashion, to be exact. Put any type of fabric in front of him and he will provide you with a work of art by the end of the day. Despite his unchecked ego he is actually a fantastic friend and would never compare himself to those around him, or attempt to put them down for his own benefit. He is proud of the work he has done and encourages others to embrace their true potentials as the life of fashion is open to all. He's got a fire to him and will snap on anyone attempting to step out of line in his presense.