Dizzy Dreamers

Younger Children's Playplace!

Important Notes NO ANIMATRONIC IS EVIL. I feel in this AU I would just prefer to have fun and not... exploit children I guess. I dont want there to be anything evil.

- Clarence is the main caretaker! He takes his job very seriously and is also there to make sure the littles get to sleep. His hand tail does that job for him. He doesnt have eyes ( And his tail doesnt serve the purpose of seeing ) so he works with Bloon Animul who aids him in seeing. Due to being in the Dizzy Dreamer section of the facility for so long he knows where practically everything is but maneuvering around children is definitely important as well. His lack of vision doesnt inhibit him whatsoever and he finds that touching any craft the children make allows for him to feel more connected to their creation. Clarence is a fan favorite in the facility, even the main band visit him often as he is overall just as friendly and caring as they come.

- Bloon Animul, while intelligent, acts as an aid to Clarence and a seeing eye dog. He cannot speak and could be compared to that of an actual dog but he is much more than that. The very little kids absolutely adore him, as well as Sunspot, so he spends most of his time running around and playing chase with whomever wants to follow. A popular spot to find Bloon is nestled in Sunspot's cloud fur, taking naps and dazed in dreams.

- Sunspot is equivalent to a sentient fluffy bed. He is big, very big, and his cloudlike fur allows for the children in the playplace to take a nap on his back, belly, or where-ever they can find a free spot. He spends most of his time sleeping but has been known to carry around any of the littles to their parents or to and from slides.