i. royals

Queen Korlessy: The first ally of Elysia and Arcturus, Korlessy was more than willing to join forces with her partnering kingdom Persei to form a larger, more powerful and fortified region in hopes of fighting back against the darkness. Korlessy's kingdom, unlike the others, is far in the north of their land mass which leaves her quite isolated from the rest. Her region, much like Ruolnoth's generally has more than their fair share of land to defend from not only the encroaching infiltration but also natural forces. The loss of her first husband, having left her with nothing, took a toll on her and for quite a while she drowned herself in her work. Her youth was spent tending to her kingdom, as she was crowned at a rather young age, and it wasn't until she was well into her twenties when she sought the alliance with Persei.

It had been a couple years after the loss of her husband and she was finding herself drowning in her land being overrun. Now, well into her thirties she feels more stable and has more family to rely on in the other districts leaders. Ruolnoth most of all ( aside from Elysia of course ) has really bonded with her and the two are now completely working together to train and recruit more people into their armed forces. In more recent years she's been spending half of her year in Persei, taking up temporary residency there in hopes of working closer with Ruolnoth.  

During her shaky years though, Velor was making his way up in the ranks to become Captain of the Guard. Her work in the armed forces was only a recent thing, unlike Ruolnoths who immediately took up the position when his kingdom allied with Persei shortly after she had. So, meeting newly appointed prominent members of the guard wasn't exactly something she had time for. She had known the previous one, wasn't much of a fan of him but the moment she laid their eyes on his replacement she was taken. He was brutish, powerful yet soft. When he interacted with the people he always had that look on his face, like he was happy being exactly what they needed him to be. Picking children up on his shoulder, waving to the families he was laying his life down for. A man truly fit to be a king.

With their work crossing over into each other territories it wasnt long before the two were introduced properly, and Velor began working closely with her to get her kingdom set up with training camps, checkpoints and the likes. He was easy to work with, and while they got into frequent fights about funding and land zoning Velor always seemed to invite her out for drinks regardless. She’d punished herself long enough, she didnt think she could take another late night at the pub again if it meant him leaving once more.

When Korlessy confessed Velor damn near had a heart attack. The stoicism gone, replaced with a bumbling jumbling mess. He liked her, more than he felt was appropriate for a Captain of the Guard to feel about a Queen, but he'd been trying his very hardest to ignore the way she made him feel. Velor would always remind himself of his status and, unfortunately for him, it wasnt much. So with her seeming so... unlike herself, blushing and expressing her feelings, he felt light headed. He, rightfully so, had absolutely no idea how to respond to the proposition to him but she’d made herself very clear of her interest. It was, shockingly, the most Korlessy had ever seemed nervous around him as it wasn't often she found a suitor capable of seeming so much like a memory long lost. He was like her first husband, the man she'd lost so many years ago. Velor had time to think about his decision, and had some discussions with Ruolnoth about his position in the event he decided to pursue the relationship. If it was even smart of the two to do. Korlessy was always one for tradition and she wouldnt do anything if it meant it being unprofessional. Thankfully he wouldn't have to give up his career and Ruolnoth even encouraged it as it would make communication with Korlessy much easier with Velor so accessible to her.

So they were wed, and the two now run their kingdom like a well oiled machine. Korlessy is the queen, with Velor her husband and it works for them.

Velor: Captain of the Guard; reports directly to Arcturus and Elysia so most of the time he is contained in the main inner district of the kingdom. He spends the most time away from Korlessy, as his duties lie elsewhere due to his position but when Korlessy is staying the half year in Persei they see each other often.