Blessed Universe

The Year Is 1936, the world is slowly coming out of depression and coming closer to war. But the ARAA has always been in war, in war with a group of beings destroying the lives of thousands daily, demonics...

The American Religous Advocacy Agency of the United States Federal Government seems to be an agency focused on maintaining both the rights of religious groups and the rights of the non-religious in governmental policy and regulation. In actuality, the agency manages multiple coalitions of churches focused on monster hunting. Particularly these coalitions of churches focus on hunting demonics, a group of monsters who can trace their creation to Satan (demons, vampires, sirens, warlocks, etc.) In the Eastern United States, three coalitions of churches control the vast majority of demonics-related issues. Firstly, the All-American Court of Churches (AACC), who's hunting division covers most of the Eastern US, though they focus mainly on the northeast and the "hotspots" of the south (Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Alabama). They are the largest hunting organization in the United States and the second largest in the world, second to The Queen's Anglican Leaders in London. The AACC is known to be extremely racist, barring non-white people and historically non-white churches from joining their ranks. They've only just started allowing Jewish members but forced them to form their own subdivision to deal with their own missions.

Because of their racism, the AACC rarely if ever picks up any missions involving non-white people.

Though "colored" people are only 10% of the population, they are 40% of all demonic victims. Though the AACC doesn't focus on any black victims, two groups of small yet strong hunting organizations make black victims their focus: The Coalition of Colored Churches and The Flowers of Fellowship Christian Community. 

The Coalition covers every black mission from NYC to DC to Atlanta to New Orleans. Their all black-male group of hunters pick up on a lot of the missions the AACC doesn't take on and have shown themselves to be worthy of praise with their high victim-survival rates and a strong code of conduct. However, the Coalition is still disrespected by the AACC as most of their members see them as beneath them.

Then comes the Flowers of Fellowship Christian Community, the only all-female coalition and the other all black group. They focus mainly on women and children of color in the southern US. They are a small group but have shown themselves to be just as competent as their male counterparts. Many people brush the sisterhood off, seeing them as radical women who need to go back to housework, but the women just did their work and ignored the ever-growing disrespect they received.

That is until a Sister came back home from college and started demanding respect.

the sisters women and girls main character flowers of fellowship sister Flowers of Fellowship Sister