
All characters in this folder are fully free, I might still like them but I just couldn't connect, find any use in them or disconnected and I don't want them sitting around, rotting in my mess of a toyhouse profile and collecting dust! :((

Some characters are wta, and some are fcfs, just check the folder name as I finally decided to create folders, so people can tell if the character is wta or not easier and quicker - without reading the description! (WTA stands for Write To Adopt! Just tell me what you are planning to do with them, why you want them, your ideas, maybe some bio or something, I don't mind anything!)

If wta, please, don't write anything way too long, it's just that I really suck at reading long stuff sjhs

Oh also! Please ignore the tags! Don't feel like changing them lmao

Spoilered rules and some stuff I wanted to say because it's pretty long! 

- Just leave a comment if interested (or dm me if you'd prefer that! I don't mind at all but honestly I prefer comments! But still, I won't bite if you decide to dm!), I don't bite! Please, please be nice and be patient, I don't log in there too often! You can try to ping my main account if you want so I can see your comment earlier but it's not needed

- These characters are freebies so can ONLY be given away for free, UNLESS they have some additional art or content added!

- way less likely to give characters to accounts with no hand-drawn art in the art tab! Might make rare exceptions if you seem like you'll use them tho!

- please read character's profile descriptions if there are any! Rules might be different for some!

- not going to give freebies to mean people, if you seem mean to anyone on my page then you are getting blocked and your comment is going to be deleted for obvious reasons! I want everyone to feel safe there and I cannot handle mean people at all so I just want to avoid them for my mental health's sake

- I don't judge your character count so don't worry if you have a lot of them, in fact I don't even check how many you own! The only exception is when you have like... More than a thousand of characters, because that's just a lot dhdh 😭 

but still, don't be afraid to ask for a character no matter how many you own!

- 3 characters per person every two weeks! Make sure to read designer's tos if there is any!

- Please do not offer for any of them! They all are fully free! Offers will be ignored and deleted, I want it to be fair for everyone and these characters are freebies /nm!

- once you get the character, please do not delete or private them as most of designers would like to see what happens with their designs and keep track of them! /nm

- please put some emoji in your comment/message if you've read this! Not really necessary but just so I know you've read the whole thing, and it might make your chances higher!

Thanks to everyone who decided to read this, I know this might be pretty long but I wanted to list some things!