choose your fate

#universe #novel #original characters

So the book is actually titled "Born of Fire and Ashes", but unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on who you ask), it shortens to BoFA. Whats funny though is that half the characters that are here are not even involved in the book that I'm currently writing. Yeah, that's a problem for sequel me. The character Galileo doesn't even exist in the first book. Legitamately. Its not even just that hes so unimportant to the plot that I don't bother mentioning him, its that he just does not exist. He is not a real person yet.

D&D Characters
#Dungeons and Dragons #RPG #DND

I think about my DnD characters more than what is considered normal, and then i accidentally make my DMs uncomfortable because I draw them in scandalous positions to practice anatomy and drawing different body types. Except Leaf. Leaf is baby. Leaf may be old enough to drink but they are baby.

Furry Animals
#furryart #furry #idontusetagsidkwhatimdoinghere

I am a furry. I just think they're neat. My dad knows what a furry is and always makes fun of them and I'm always like "oh wow hahah yeah its crazy" while dying inside. Like I know that its literally not that big a deal and you shouldn't """come out""" as a furry but like. man. I would never be taken seriously ever again. I need to keep that little bit of respect that I already get.

Fan Stuff
#fanartist #fan #yeahthatsit

I rarely use this folder because my blorbos are my own OCs and it sucks but sometimes I do and using deviantart is like being a graveyard keeper, so here they go. They also go to my deviantart, where not a single person lays eyes on them.