negativespaces's Profile Comments

This user's account has been closed.

I believe you go to settings, click on profile content, and write your blurb in the white text box. sorry if that doesn't help

This user's account has been closed.

"Toby the plant." XD

toby is one of my real plants and he's growing moss and I feel like a pround grandma

Wow 0_0

i love how basically all the comments on your profile are all from me rip

ehhh its fiiine

oo that's an aesthetic username why the change

i decided I hate LilacSkiies


question do you still have the original picture of lychee? if so can you send it to me? it's alright if you don't thanks

2 Replies

aW precious art

why thank you

Much adorable <33

Oml your art is A M A Z I N G

Thanks! So is yours!

Np and my art is trash :P thanks tho!

uhh no your art is amazing excuse me

Noooo I can't even get into a "Expirienced artists + animators only" MAP

so? thats not a measurement for how good your art is. it doesn't matter if you can or can't, just work on what you love.

3 Replies

has anyone ever mentioned how flippin good your digital art is like hOW

its not good

i was looking at the shading and everything and dont you dare say that

i dare say that



9 Replies

hi welcome to marvin's what can i get for you today

a fukin cranberry sprite

ok anything else

oh and a random question do you charas have birthdays? if not can i make some?

yeah, arlen's b'day is september 5, pete's is december 24 (arlen is a year older than him), Lavender is same as mine, Kiran is June 6, Enki is april 1st

oo nice are those when you made the charas?

sort of

4 Replies

Why do you ask??

just curious

okay good freaking lord child how

idk, goblins replaced lilac while she was sleeping, and replaced her with a decent goblin artist

child please teach meĀ 

what? the art of goblin kidnapping?


well first ya drug 'em, then ya nab 'em

21 Replies

woah that pfp is cool what is it?

Idk, something I doodled. Do you want an icon?

im good. can you check hangouts?

how did you get the featured chara thing?


what does your profile thing say on the profile editing

this is the default thing


oh you have to favorite your charas


how do you think of such good names

idk my dude

well frick they're amazing and more original than mine

no they're not

heck take a look at mine - they're too common. yours are just amazing. how though

It's not that hard, just got to think!

1 Replies

well hello there child

Weel heelo