Up For Sale / Trade

Sales account for NeonCityRain! If you want the fastest answer, DM that account.
This account is fine to follow! That's why it exists!

I will not do business with anyone connected to Maple-and-Pie or SapphireVulpix. Don't contact them about it or try to find loopholes. I've been doxxed, harassed, and sent suicide baiting over this in the past. Don't try me, I won't put up with it.

Generally paid through Paypal or Ko-fi (Ko-fi is better), all units are in USD. Don't send money until I've confirmed the trade is alright.
Will also accept the Flight Rising currency equivalent (100 gems to 1 USD)
Art means any type of artwork. Writing is art, music is art, and so on. I like all kinds of art! Don't sell yourself short because you don't draw.
PLEASE do NOT offer designs. I may consider trading for a custom design, but I am very picky when it comes to designs!