Wish Dragons

  • Sac contains magic + defense mechanisms. When magic is used the sac deflates leaving them vulnerable for a bit similar to a skunk after it sprays. 
  • Fins are used for gliding and steering throughout the realms. Wish dragons cannot fly in a normal sense and must use magic and naturally occurring organs similar to a swim bladder to remain airborne. 
  • Mouths are highly adapted to a particular diet consisting of "dream jellies" a species of jellyfish formed from dreams. Generally naked to the human eye, these puffy jellies are common to see floating around near dawn.
  • Cat like bodies, very stretchy! So long as they can fit their head, they'll fit through the hole
  • Weakened or tired wish dragons tend to be seen in the form of shooting stars. These "stars" can be found scattered across the land if one is lucky enough to find it before morning.