Riddle ✶ Sphinxes

Hidden in the fens and ziggurats of the times of old sits an undisturbed plane of the fey; an arcadia left untouched and thriving. This is the realm of sphinxes, who spend their waking days in tranquil laziness and indulgent snacking. Come stay, if you'd like. Linger a while and revel in unburdened joys of everyday pleasures.

a convocation of my many sphinxes, not currently placed in any stories.
i am a rather avid sphinx enthusiast, and i might consider myself a hoarder; in the way a dragon hoards its treasures, i treasure my sphinxes dearly.

these characters are not up for sale or offers. they are my darlings. you will have to rip them out from my cold, dead hands.

mystery trade male mythos guess-adopts credit nfo nfs monster enby bug sphinx dragon feline marine canine demon hooved magic-folk female avian