nintendohime's Bulletins


Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by nintendohime

Putting art stuff aside today to work on new profile layouts. :3 So far, I have Shiitake-hime's done, and am hoping to get at least Lotte's and Al's finished as well. 

So, yeh. Under construction FTW. :3


Posted 7 years, 10 months ago by nintendohime

Oh, hey; first bulletin thingy. o.O!

Time permitting, I'm going to work on a bunch of character profiles today and make new folders to separate characters that live in 'alternate timelines' (like 'Lieselotte K,' Orion and Bella, ect) if not in the next few days. I also want to add more images I've done in the past couple of months (of which I've done already with Lotte and Al, but I have some of Shii and a few others), and brood over my newest character some more.

(Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it. =X)