tbn Academy

tbn Academy

An ambitious project of a city-sized country created in a joint union between a few other countries in the lands where only monsters girls and boys exist. As interspecies breeding is a big issue in the eyes of multiple monster societies and shit has gone down during past attempts of it, gender-exclusive cities that allowed multiple species was the new idea. One of the reasons was to help knowledge be spread and advancing fields more, since before things were mostly restricted inside territories and knowledge never mixed much, so even if X species figured something BIG about magic, it probably wouldn’t reach species Y, Z, W or any other at all. It was also because the cultural exchange itself could be seen as valuable, and so on. At the moment, there exists one single all-female city and one all-male city very far apart from each other, and I’m not a fujoshi so idk anything about the all-male city lol, it just exists and whatever else you’re free to imagine if that’s your thing, I guess. Also, as I said, they’re countries but I call them simply cities for simplicity and out of habit.

As these cities grew, it was decided that creating academies that function as something in-between high school and college [well, you’re allowed to go to these academies after college, but it’s not common to see someone doing that] could be a good idea. In these, it would be taught not ordinarily known things or just known in a very biased/specific way as part of the species exchange, like an overview about a lot of the species, general history, magic, literature and so on. They also made schools and all, too, but most people that moved to the city aren’t that young. They’re building some sort of college, but for now it only has certain things and is largely still being built, so a lot of the time supervisioned researching is more advised.

Currently the city is made up mostly by rich folks. One certain Academy, which seems to have certain arbitrary and incomprehensible standards applied when it comes to accepting people into it, is particularly expensive and held in high-regard, apparently even scouting astounding individuals through unknown but probably shady methods. In that Academy, the Student Council recently founded the Socialization Club.

