Guarire Dogs

Guarire Dogs are known as 'Spiritual Healing Dogs' which has the ability to have healing powers from their small leaf on their heads. They about the size of a raccoon dog which is 50-68 cm in body length & 13-25 cm to its short legs & tail. The body weight ranges from 4-6 kg in summer, but may reach close to 10 kg before winter hibernation. Their animal hybrid comes from a raccoon, a dog, & a bunny. GuarireDogs occur mainly in forest and dense vegetation bordering lakes and streames. They use dens, which often have initially been made by a fox or a badger. They are monogamous. Mating season is in spring. After a gestation period of 59 to 64 days usually 3 to 6 cubs are born, but as many as 9 in one litter. Both parents participate in the rearing of their offspring. Guarire Dogs are herbivores, feeding on seeds, berries, fruit and rhizomes. Those living near the ocean will also eat seaweed and other types of sea plant life.