
Canis Concolor, otherwise known as Zvers, are an alien species that were discovered aboard a crashed space ship. Initially believed to be too vicious to tame, humans have formed bonds with these strange beasts, despite warnings from government agents who want them rounded up and exterminated. Despite several attempts, the government has failed to capture the beasts and Zvers have become an established species on Earth. Many Zvers have now become cherished partners and have shown themselves to be extremely intelligent and capable of human speech via telepathy.

• Average weight: 60-100 lbs
• Average height: 2-2.5 ft(at the shoulder)
• Average length: 5-9 ft(nose tip to tail tip)
• Long slender ears that always lie back on the head. They have very sharp hearing
• Canine-like head similar to a coyote
• Feline-like body similar to a cougar
• Long, thick tail. Used for balance and to help relay emotions
• Two large compound eyes give Canis concolor very sharp vision
• Four smaller sensors beside the eyes capture scents and relay them to the brain
• Thin slits on the end of the snout are used only for breathing. Scents in the air drawn into the lungs of Canis concolor are not relayed to the brain.
• Sharp claws and teeth make Canis concolor a deadly hunter.