le misti univers


I got Isekaid

"Tch, I'm always so sick it's frustrating! Does anyone have some meds please?"


Misti was born in a touristic town, where people come for the beach and the sun. She does not really remember a lot from her childhood except that she hated it and that she never felt happy. Her father was always working. Her mother was mentally ill and always in her room and on meds. Shenraised herself without help. They used to have a dog, she always considered him her best friend as she did not have any friends as they always moved around every year. Her adolescence was also full of resentment and heartbreak as her crushes always seemed to be jerks. But they moved out less and less and they finally got installed in her hometown to be near her family that she used to dislike since they were not decent. She hated school and still did not have friends as she was the new girl. She thought that everyone was superficial and so did not really care about being lonely and friendless. When she entered high school, her mother decided to divorce her father. It was a hard moment for her as she discovered she had depression just like her mother.

Now Misti became a young woman freshly graduated from university. However she was still depressed and mentally ill. She kept seeing doctors and following treatments, trying to get out of this hell. She even got a job that she didn’t like, as the other parts of her life. But unfortunately, after a hard day at work, the woman got run over by an intoxicated driver. She didn’t know how, but everything faded away with her pain, and then black out… She woke up in a new environment, not knowing where she was and what happened... It was the beginning of the problems

Code by Aurorean

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