oleaspur's Bulletins

trades for art/customs/ocs

Posted 3 days, 15 hours ago by oleaspur

i know i make bulletins like this all the time -__- my bad i love to trade

i have the following charas im not using and havent found any trades for -- as a result im mainly looking for art and/or customs for them (but am happy to consider character trades too - one-offs, dainties, or mignyans only please). please try to consider worth when offering!! mixed offers ok/usd offers ok on ocs with a worth in their name ^__^

private offers via dm r ok too :]

artfight hitlist

Posted 4 days, 4 hours ago by oleaspur

hiya... i always struggle to figure out who to attack at the beginning of af, so i figured i'd do a hitlist again for this year ^__^

my google form is here: https://forms.gle/ioY9xfPqeZnG54ZV6 -- essentially, if you're interested in receiving some of my art, please fill out this form, and i'll try to squeeze in an attack against you towards the beginning of af before i turn my focus to revenges (which i will prioritise otherwise)

that's all -- thanks for the interest!


Posted 6 days, 12 hours ago by oleaspur

given i work full-time i wont be able to produce quite as much art for af as usual so may be focusing on revenges BUT i have the first week of july as holiday leave so. there shall be at least a week of art grinding


add me here https://artfight.net/~oleaspur !! if you lmk who you are when you add me ill try to remember to follow back ^__^b my attacks are old as hell so if you want an example of more recent art/what attacks would actually look like check my art tab here on th


lf art/ocs for non-tent ocs

Posted 18 days, 13 minutes ago by oleaspur

i dont think im ever gonna be able to place these guys in stories unfortunately :[ as such i am taking non-tent offers on them, and will likely be more flexible/open to different offers than usual

https://toyhou.se/26210561.goob-ufo (mic)
https://toyhou.se/26085900.135-or-trades (mio777, worth $135)
https://toyhou.se/10374675.cross-ufo (nicooo)
https://toyhou.se/21548015.270 (scarsji, worth $270)


feel free to offer whatever (can only take usd for those with worths in their names however). mixed offers encouraged! atm my prefs are usd (where applicable) > charas (prefs) = art > customs

dms/private offers ok. can haggle on money-only offers/take holds or payment plans


another trade bulletin. lawl

Posted 26 days, 18 hours ago by oleaspur

ummm yea. i need some money to fund a private health assessment worth around £1990. it is not urgent i sell these characters - i could cover the bill. this would just help a great deal!!!! thanks so much (and again tysm if you choose/have chosen to comm me recently)!!

selling (open to haggling/low balls)

open to trades including some usd (but not interested in usd-only offers)
trades (general, non-tent)
dms/private offers ok. holds/payment plans ok for ocs including usd in their offers

offers bulletin announcement thing

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by oleaspur

hi i just wanted to say if you've offered on an oc semi-recently (last 3 days or so) i will try to reply to you today - if it's been longer than that and you'd still like me to look at you offer, please ping me in your offer again, or reoffer etc. i unfortunately am not in the headspace to go through my 30+ comment notifs otherwise, and i dont want to reply to people who may have been waiting over a week and no longer be interested!! i hope this makes sense

again, apologies for being a bit all over the place recently. i shan't get into it but my personal life has become incredibly complicated, so i'm doing my best!

slow replies to trades etc

Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by oleaspur

hi all. just a heads up that i’ve been dealing with a lot irl recently (baby’s first psychotic break etc), so oc trading and such is not a priority for me right now.  if you’ve made an offer, feel free to message again, and i will get back to you at some point, i just can’t promise it will be soon. 

existing commissioners etc - i am working on things as and when i am able. im not currently able to work my irl job, so hopefully the extra time i have day-to-day right now will make up for the loss of time due to everything else

if we have a pre-arranged/discussed trade and i have not responded to you, please notify me.

thank you for reading. 

redflashier psa (tw: incest)

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by oleaspur

boosting this psa on REDFlashier, as i was just informed about this having purchased a design from them @_@ hopefully this serves as a warning for anyone else who enjoyed their designs too..

everyone ufo..

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by oleaspur

ummmm yea. im bored and i love making bulletins. so sue me

everyone in my th is up for offers except those that are tradelocked (velutina, curse), rose, and those in the treasured folder. i also have a succubuns envy basket + some drinks if thats of interest - looking for resale, art, or charas for those.

all characters are here. includes a ton of popular designer stuff blah blah blah. no usd offers unless its part of a mixed offer or they have usd in their name/description please!

im looking for: ocs (one offs>cb dainties) > customs/art

private offers via dm r ok ^__^ if offering art, please have a turn around time of ~2 months max!! 

full trade bulletin

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by oleaspur

SORRY for so many of these i was going thru my whole oc roster again and pulling out everyone im not 100% connected to atm. all of the below characters are ufo.

ill try to have answers to you in 1-2 days, feel free to bump if it takes any longer than that.

non-tent (art offers ok! or id add them as freebies if i accept other offers):

non-tent (prefer character offers/usd only, can consider art but may be picky. if i can accept usd it will be in the character name!):

tent/picky (character offers only, art + usd as add ons only unless otherwise specified):

my design preferences are here. dms/private offers ok! lmk if you have any questions ^__^