omniiamne's Profile Comments

Whoa, this is an incredible amount of work of redesigning(ya saw you gushing over characters in chat) and uploading done~

Thanks! I love my characters with all my heart, and the redesigns let me love them even more!

Wow, i love your art and character designs so much!! Your art is so cool! And i love your gory designs 💕💕

Thanks a lot! For me it's really important!

Of course! I hope i can own a design by you one day 🥰🥰

Кто пукнул

ну я пукнула а что не кусно?

да фк бяка фуфуфу

У тебя замечательные персонажи   ^-^
(Не могла пройти мимо и не сказать, какие они лапушки)

Аввв, спасибо, мне приятно!!!