All of my lion dance lions!! Most of them will be real lions at some point or other when I get around to it, then I'll put videos of them and images of them in here too... Lion dance is a traditional Chinese art form where two people (the head and the tail) form the lion, which is made out of paper mache! Blesssings and routines are performed to dispel negative qi energy and it's very common around Lunar New Year but also for businesses throughout the year. Lion dance has its roots in martial arts, so kungfu stances like horse, cat, crane, are utilized throughout routines. Even though I draw them as little creachures, lions do have rigid head shapes. I found them pretty hard to draw when I first started, but hopefully my designs are simplified in a way where it's a little easier to understand! I also tend to draw the lions with a sort of undercoat/ cape layer that would be an extra level of immersion, blocking the head player. Feel free to leave that out if you want! Also, if you draw lions yourself and stylize them differently i would LOVE to see their designs in however you draw them, don't feel the need to copy my simplifications if you don't want to :}

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