ourogoros's Bulletins

Grem2 for Voucher/Trade!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by ourogoros

[I agree to follow the rules and  guidelines specified in the Voucher rules linked below. The grem offered  in this journal is not for sale, and I will not accept money in  exchange for it above the price I myself paid for it (if any). I  understand that taking money for this grem could result in both parties  being blacklisted from GremCorps.]

[Voucher Rule Changes (IMPORTANT)]

I am offering the following grem(s): Masterlist / Toyhouse

I am seeking the following: This adopt for $125 (I've already paid $25) , a $150 commission from IXYO (note screenshot as proof) , and a shaded fullbody + a flat fullbody commission from this artist. So total = $420 (blaze it)

I traded over $1,000 worth of characters towards this grem, but I just haven't been able to do anything meaningful with them. I'm happy to give you the redesign I worked up (it's unfinished, but I'm happy to give you the .psd for another artist to complete) as well as any sketches I've done.

Alternatively, I am happy to entertain trade offers for characters in this folder (and it's sub-folders) https://toyhou.se/Ankha/favorites/12455 and/or grem swaps. Customs welcome if I subscribe to you!

anyone have comms open?

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by ourogoros

gimme ur rates n examples

looking for a couple things rn, so just link whatever you're open for~ -w- mostly seeking humanoid or anthro things!

Trading OCs for WoW goods!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by ourogoros


Seeking to nab a character boost this time, so $60 <3 You can grab any OC worth less than $100 for the price of a character boost, or multiple characters worth less than $60 (two $45's, three $25's, etc. etc..) 

Only looking to boost two characters at this time, so once I hit the $120 mark I'll close this! 

i am once again seeking a 3 way trade

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by ourogoros

"yeah i need to downsize my ocs" HAHA YEAHHHHHH -w-"

but it's not my fault, friends. Not whenever the design is friggin beautiful!
that said, if someone can snag this one for me: https://toyhou.se/11790190.eo

i'm willing to trade someone(s) from my TH, or simply even pay you back your cash offer on the 14th when I get paid, with a lil interest for being nice. i just..................... gotta have this adopt lmfao

depending on the cash offer you can pick from some of my higher value mains/CS if they interest you! here's hoping.....
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


pretty much what's on the tin! TwT i realize i have a bit of an issue with hoarding characters that i plan to use-- then never do when the original idea fizzles away... a few days ago, i also had to spend about $700 on a surgery for my cat, which put a major dent in my finances, so now I'm a bit short on rent aaaaaaaa

i am selling OCs until i reach the amount i need, which is about $350! i'm willing to bundle a lot of characters in the purge/sale folder if someone can do that price right away. i have 2 days to reach it before late fees get added. haggling is totally fine, as are multiples that would normally fall into overvalue. i only ask that you be reasonable with your offer (like offering $5 for a $300 character, LMAO) but other than that, i am completely willing to work with you!

since i have a time limit, i can't do holds or payment plans this time around, sorry! ;; the only exception being you can do $300 right away, and the rest can be done later.

Trading OCs for WoW time

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by ourogoros

Hello everyone! So I thought I'd try something different. Rather than selling some OCs outright to downsize, I thought I'd offer the option to trade with stuff I'd buy anyway, LOL. Some WoW time, which can be bought here (we don't need to be friends on Bnet, you just need my email address), worth $30. 

I'm offering OCs from my purge folders here: https://toyhou.se/Ankha/characters/folder:636742

You can get any OC in the trade folder, and any one under $100 in the sale folder! Can do multiples for the cheaper characters too. 

Thanks for reading ^0^ /

Hello everyone, I hope you're all having excellent days ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

So I've had a lot of situations recently where people are leaving me completely out of the loop on 3-way trades until it's time to execute the trade; and a couple of times are promising things on my behalf, which has put me in a bad position with those people if I end up saying no to the trade. (Luckily I've managed to explain myself to these people, but this may not always work..) So going forward, I'm not doing any more 3-way trades whatsoever, and if I'm put in the situation where one is sprung on me last-minute, I'm blocking/blacklisting the person who orchestrated it. I'm sorry to be harsh, but I've had a very bad time with this, and have ended up on blacklists with people I have never even spoken to. (´д`)" Please understand how much that hurts me emotionally, as well as the added stress of perhaps this individual telling others that I am not trustworthy.. When I had nothing to do with it to begin with.

In the same vein, payment plans. I've always been super willing to offer them, because I often utilize them myself if needed with other people, and it's a great way to make expensive things more affordable! (๑꒪▿꒪)*
Recently though, I've seen a large influx of people (both with my firsthand experience and friends who sell characters) who will ask for a payment plan, and then back out mid-way through, putting the owner in a predicament. Now, I'm more of the mind that while someone is on a payment plan, the funds should just be set aside until the purchase is complete. But sometimes this isn't always the case as food/necessities come up, which caused the sale to go up in the first place. ( ・᷄ ︵・᷅ )
So in the future, I'll only be offering payment plans to mutuals/friends, and potentially to others only if it is an extremely short plan. I'm still totally willing to do holds for one payment things, so that's an option if you need to save!

Thank you all for being understanding, and I apologize that it's had to come to this. I'm not proud of it, but it's taken quite a toll on me to be misconstrued or led on. ( •́ ∧ •̀ )

Selling Wacom Cintiq Pro 13"!

Posted 3 years, 3 hours ago by ourogoros

I bought it extremely recently, wanting to use something more beefy than my ipad-- but.. I haven't even taken the cintiq out of the box yet (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ

I don't feel like I'll be using it any time soon, and could def use the cash right now, so if anyone's interested in buying it, I can send pictures/videos of it. Hoping to get around $400 for it-- I paid $450 which included shipping, but PLEASE feel free to offer/haggle and I'll absolutely work with you. I'm located in the US, so international shipping may be a bit pricier T_T But I will be completely transparent and give you plenty of price options for shipping! I usually go through USPS, but can do UPS/Fedex on request if you prefer those. 

I hope you're all doing well in these crazy times ^0^ /

EO on almost everyone

Posted 3 years, 25 days ago by ourogoros

my adoption center thread for moving funds isn't really doing well at all, so i thought i'd open up offers beyond the sale folder and see if anyone would be interested in anything else. 

mainly just depressed and not really feeling having so many characters and no one to really use them with or draw with etc. so i'd rather just be down to like.. less than 10 characters over all. 

the only two 100% off limits are nennaya and sora. i'll be picky with anyone in mains or some in fandoms. usd is completely the priority unless they are trade only, in which case art is the priority