i am once again seeking a 3 way trade

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by ourogoros

"yeah i need to downsize my ocs" HAHA YEAHHHHHH -w-"

but it's not my fault, friends. Not whenever the design is friggin beautiful!
that said, if someone can snag this one for me: https://toyhou.se/11790190.eo

i'm willing to trade someone(s) from my TH, or simply even pay you back your cash offer on the 14th when I get paid, with a lil interest for being nice. i just..................... gotta have this adopt lmfao

depending on the cash offer you can pick from some of my higher value mains/CS if they interest you! here's hoping.....
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


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