outfitgalaxii's Bulletins

Collab adopts !~

Posted 11 months, 12 days ago by outfitgalaxii

hey hey all! i recently did some collab adoptables with a lovely artist, Just-Peachii ~

i hope y'all go check em out! i think they came out really cute >W< 


also! i might be up for another collab soon, if anyone is interested my dm's are open UwU < 3

ty for reading and have a good one !~

Oh she's back again?

Posted 1 year, 14 days ago by outfitgalaxii

Almost, at least- I apologize for taking another hiatus without saying anything, it wasn't intentional ;w;

I took on more work than I could handle, then quite a few less than fortunate events happened one after the other- I don't intend to make excuses or whine about it, I want to get back to work as soon as I can. I'll be taking a little more time off, but I'll be posting again soon! I won't be making any big plans or setting any schedules quite yet, just working when I can and posting what I do get done, bit by bit for now.

My social anxiety is severe and communication is near impossible for me, but I am trying my damnedest to learn and push through. I'm endlessly grateful to those being so understanding and patient, I hope I can do better for you all in the future :3

best wishes to all, and ty for reading >W< <3

Next Adoptables ~

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by outfitgalaxii

Which theme set should be next on the line up?

7 Votes Red ~ Hearts / Blood / Casino / Devils
6 Votes Purple ~ Stars / Galaxy / Ghosts / Graveyard / Bats
4 Votes Rainbows + Greyscale ~ Plushies / Clouds / ???
4 Votes Pastels Pink + Blue + Purple ~ Cats / Bunnies / Seashells / Flowers / Kawaii

I like to plan these out a bit in advance, so here’s what the next few adopt posts are gonna be (order undecided ^^’ ) 

Mixed outfit set (the usual)

Starry Wardrobe adopt

Bats and Bones themed set 

Humanoid + Outfit Raffle (will post a mention of it here, but will be hosted on DeviantArt)

But I still want to have a community decided set, soo~ a poll to decide one, and I’ll post it either after all these or sometime sooner :3

To keep it simple, the options are — some of my fave aesthetics and the whole set will revolve around the color ~ (bones and roses will literally always be a feature, no way around it Lmao)

Suggestions welcome as well, but even just votes are appreciated >w<

a smol question / poll

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by outfitgalaxii

"thumbnail" or hidden?

2 Votes Completely hidden
13 Votes Thumbnail option

should unwatermarked files be "thumbnail" to public users, or should they just be completely hidden?

i know it has to be annoying to see double images in notifs, but i feel like it's weird to not be able to actually see that the unwatermarked version is also there

(this only really applies to adoptables, since free fits are always watermarked)

also i made the poll anonymous < 3