
DO NOT OFFER THESE ARE MINE AND WILL STAY MINE(unless said otherwise) This holds all my ocs and are sorted into their separate worlds and roles

Get some charas!! They all have their listing in their names ex. NAME(UFO). Most charas that are Ufo are either also uft where it'll say NAME($$/uft) or falt sale and it'll be shown at NAME($$$).

All of these are in progress characters that I'm adding art to, redesigning, or completely reworking the character. These designs/characters are sometimes put into the gift shop so keep an eye on em' if you might want them.

This is where i put my random stuff n things. I put things like ads, myos, commision stuffs, and whatever other randoms things i might collect.

Artpls gem su steven universe gemsona oc pearl fusion free Steven universe uft Ufo permafusion ufo Moss Wolf anthro Gem Freebie Male Lgbtq