paeon's Bulletins


Posted 8 years, 27 days ago by paeon

My bloody PC isn't connecting to the monitor AGAAAAIIINNN

even when I take out the battery to reset the bios it still doesn't work

I'm so sick of this shieettterryugzstuj /headdesk

Streeeeamy (off)

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon 

*DISCLAIMER: eyeburn!
working on some psyche paintings!

It's April!!

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon


Meet my new [Bandies]!!


Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

Hello darlings!!!! 

I got my new monitor:

And it looks great!!! I can see all my terrible art mistakes from the past in HD now wooo~ 
Tonight, I'll be rushing to finish as many merchandise drawings as I can to submit for approval. I'm trying to get a table for an anime con in June over here! 
I might stream it when I start colouring them~ 
After today I can finally stretch out my work schedule for merch and start working on owed art/ start commissions ;w; Well, I hope at least (sob) 

also as promised, here's a pic of the pupper: 

we don't know her breed because she's a rescused mutt, she likes to chew my face.

Thank you guys who follow me or are interested in what I'm doing even if it's a tiny bit, I really appreciate it ;w; I'm just not very good at small chat I feel I might sound awkward or fake but I really appreciate any single comment or like. I think I'm starting to make more friends after coming to toyhouse and I'm really glad to be here my wallet is not though rip my wallet


Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

i have a 7 week old puppy to take care of now. big sis rescued it.
isdfsuaiehfuhihisu everything in my life is stacking up fooooo~ i'll post pics of her when I have good ones.

"but dude I just want to draw all day"
- paeon 2k16



Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

it's off now but i copied the status as off earlier... /dumb

Commission situation update

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

Recently my dad got a new monitor to replace my old one (it was high energy consuming, the screen was melting, dark blotches, darker colour, almost had a burning accident but the image output was sharp and good) but sadly the new one has a terrible TV quality and it is hurting my eyes.
The colour output is fine but text/etc is blurry and there's a "double/glitchy image" for everything which really gets in the way of drawing and hurts my eyes like mad.

(sorta like this)

The good thing is someone else in my family has a use for the screen I'm using (we're slowly replacing what we have to low energy options) and I just need to go out and hunt for a good (and big!) desktop monitor ASAP and my dad is willing to pay for at least a portion for it. 

So I can't open commissions until I settle this issue, especially since I won't be able to draw at my best. I'm so sorry! ; - ;;
I was hoping I could at least do psychedelic paintings but I just murdered my eyes trying to do one LOL I'm so bummed (눈_ლ)

Right now I'm planning to get one from the DELL Ultrasharp series (´・_・‘)... I don't know anything about brands but that's what my senior reccomended to me (my school uses DELL too)

(lies down and mopes I'm going out tomorrow to find it man) 


Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

because I tried to google hangout with classmates but xsplit/etc just crashed and burned (my screen share was all glitch it was p horrifying) and I'm stuck with the 'stream mood'

Actual life update for real

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

ok I'm not falling asleep this time. Also going to cut out all the depressing stuff which is quite a lot lol.
Hello guys I graduated from school!
This means I have more time to draw commissions and develop personal stuff.
Making a life a to-do listy to make it easier to read or more like i can't write for crap.
(you don't have to read this ;w;)

  1. Getting my health back
    - I need to start eating properly l o l I'm about to hit 43kg cries
    - I have to get a pet chicken. < importantt
  2. Updating my toyhouse and acually making use of my premium.
    - Uploading more of the commissions I got 
    - Updating profiles (start writing more, sob)
    - Updating profiles with CSS stuff.
  3. Finish up commissions and art trades
  4. Start developing the closed species I've been planning to  
    - Problem is I'm still not used to making bases I'll always find a problem with the base I drew :v 
  5. Start planning flash sales with proper pricing
    - This is also mainly for more commission/portfolio examples
    - For chibis I need to set a size lol
    - This time it will be fully completed works only, e.g. full lined and coloured. 
    - I want to make a separate commission sales where it's all PSYCHEDELIC only as I want to further develop this style. For those who told me that they really liked it, thank you so much because it really made me feel better about myself ;w; It means a lot to me.
  6. get more active in dA, unlight/bf/puyoq. finish up bl games hfjdskhjf (i will play shingakkou soon i swear)
  7. craft juzumaru 

For my future

  1. Start seriously developing my bandies story.
    - Give everyone and everything names, set it in stone.
    - Make sprites!
    - write write write
    - test out engines
    - consider banding together with friends
  2. Learn how to do stuff
    - live 2d
    - making manga (framing)
    - traditional art stuff
    - how to properly match colours
    - how 2 fashion 
    - lol finally go study japanese for real (no one cares if you understand japanese memes)
  3. get a proper monitor + save up for a cintiq yo
  4. Make merch!!!!!! Buy booths!!!!!
    - I still have 2 artbooks I want to make ghghghhgf
  5. find a job of course haha
  6. super secret adult world domination plans
    - make a thing where the odd ones out will feel accepted and loved.
    - rule the world with chickens make people love chickens 


I also really want to connect with more people! I'm actually really glad to have known/made friends with some of you guys here, sorry if I don't talk much I'm pretty awkward with my words and I get desperate to sound excited/happy as I don't want to come across as uninterested when I'm not...

thank you for the time and wishing the best for the future!


for those who are wondering "you went to an art school? your art doesn't look like it" yeah well im a shit

lif3 updat e :

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by paeon

ok so mv njgbf jk lgkjndflkjn 




(falls asleep)